Liblinphone  5.3.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

Initializing liblinphone. More...

Data Structures

struct  _LinphoneCoreVTable
 This structure holds all callbacks that the application should implement. More...


#define LINPHONE_CORE(object)   BELLE_SIP_CAST(object, LinphoneCore)
 Safely down-cast a belle_sip_object_t into LinphoneCore.
 Disable a sip transport Use with #LinphoneSipTransports.
 Randomly chose a sip port for this transport Use with #LinphoneSipTransports.
 Don't create any server socket for this transport, ie don't bind on any port. More...
#define LINPHONE_VFS_ENCRYPTION_AES256GCM128_SHA256   0x0002


typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallCreatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 Callback notifying that a new LinphoneCall (either incoming or outgoing) has been created. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneGlobalState state, const char *message)
 Global state notification callback. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb LinphoneCoreGlobalStateChangedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCallState state, const char *message)
 Call state notification callback. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb LinphoneCoreCallStateChangedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 GoClear ACK sent on call callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const char *master_key)
 Call send master key changed callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const char *master_key)
 Call receive master key changed callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, bool_t media_encryption_enabled, const char *authentication_token)
 Call encryption changed callback. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb LinphoneCoreCallEncryptionChangedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneProxyConfig *proxy_config, LinphoneRegistrationState state, const char *message)
 Registration state notification callback prototype. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb LinphoneCoreRegistrationStateChangedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Report status change for a friend previously added to the LinphoneCore with linphone_core_add_friend(). More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb LinphoneCoreNotifyPresenceReceivedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *uri_or_tel, const LinphonePresenceModel *presence_model)
 Reports presence model change for a specific URI or phone number of a friend. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb LinphoneCoreNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *url)
 Reports that a new subscription request has been received and wait for a decision. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb LinphoneCoreNewSubscriptionRequestedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAuthInfo *auth_info, LinphoneAuthMethod method)
 Callback for requesting authentication information to application or user. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb LinphoneCoreAuthenticationRequestedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCallLog *call_log)
 Callback to notify a new call-log entry has been added. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb LinphoneCoreCallLogUpdatedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, const char *previous_call_id, const char *current_call_id)
 Callback to notify the callid of a call has been updated. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb LinphoneCoreCallIdUpdatedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)
 Chat message callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message, const LinphoneChatMessageReaction *reaction)
 Chat message new reaction callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Chat message removed reaction callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsDefaultAccountChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)
 Default account changed callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAccountAddedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)
 Account added callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRemovedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)
 Account removed callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, const bctbx_list_t *messages)
 Chat messages callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)
 Called after the linphone_chat_message_send() was called. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb LinphoneCoreMessageReceivedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneCallState state, const char *message)
 Chat room session state changed callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)
 Chat room marked as read callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)
 Chat message not decrypted callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreFileTransferRecvCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatMessage *message, LinphoneContent *content, const char *buffer, size_t size)
 File transfer receive callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreFileTransferSendCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatMessage *message, LinphoneContent *content, char *buffer, size_t *size)
 File transfer send callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreFileTransferProgressIndicationCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatMessage *message, LinphoneContent *content, size_t offset, size_t total)
 File transfer progress indication callback prototype. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)
 Is composing notification callback prototype. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb LinphoneCoreIsComposingReceivedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, int dtmf)
 Callback for being notified of DTMFs received. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb LinphoneCoreDtmfReceivedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, const char *refer_to)
 Callback prototype for when a refer is received. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb LinphoneCoreReferReceivedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Callback prototype when using the buddy plugin. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb LinphoneCoreBuddyInfoUpdatedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *transfered, LinphoneCallState call_state)
 Callback for notifying progresses of transfers. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb LinphoneCoreTransferStateChangedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallStats *call_stats)
 Callback for receiving quality statistics for calls. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb LinphoneCoreCallStatsUpdatedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneInfoMessage *message)
 Callback prototype for receiving info messages. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb LinphoneCoreInfoReceivedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneConfiguringState status, const char *message)
 Callback prototype for configuring status changes notification. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb LinphoneCoreConfiguringStatusCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb) (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t reachable)
 Callback prototype for reporting network change either automatically detected or notified by linphone_core_set_network_reachable(). More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb LinphoneCoreNetworkReachableCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadState state, const char *info)
 Callback prototype for reporting log collection upload state change. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb) (LinphoneCore *core, size_t offset, size_t total)
 Callback prototype for reporting log collection upload progress indication. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Callback prototype for reporting when a friend list has been added to the core friend lists. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb LinphoneCoreFriendListCreatedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Callback prototype for reporting when a friend list has been removed from the core friend lists. More...
typedef LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb LinphoneCoreFriendListRemovedCb
 Old name of LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb.
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsVersionUpdateCheckResultReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckResult result, const char *version, const char *url)
 Callback prototype for reporting the result of a version update check. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneConferenceState state)
 Callback prototype telling that a LinphoneConference state has changed. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatRoomState state)
 Callback prototype telling that a LinphoneChatRoom state has changed. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSubjectChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)
 Callback prototype telling that a LinphoneChatRoom subject has changed. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomEphemeralMessageDeleteCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)
 Callback prototype telling that a LinphoneChatRoom ephemeral message has expired. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsImeeUserRegistrationCb) (LinphoneCore *core, const bool_t status, const char *user_id, const char *info)
 Callback prototype telling that an Instant Message Encryption Engine user registered on the server with or without success. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsQrcodeFoundCb) (LinphoneCore *core, const char *result)
 Callback prototype telling the result of decoded qrcode. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsFirstCallStartedCb) (LinphoneCore *core)
 Callback prototype telling a call has started (incoming or outgoing) while there was no other call. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsLastCallEndedCb) (LinphoneCore *core)
 Callback prototype telling the last call has ended (linphone_core_get_calls_nb() returns 0) More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)
 Callback prototype telling that the audio device for at least one call has changed. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDevicesListUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core)
 Callback prototype telling the audio devices list has been updated. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRegistrationStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account, LinphoneRegistrationState state, const char *message)
 Callback notifying that a LinphoneAccount has its registration state changed. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbFunc) (LinphoneCore *core, void *user_data)
 Callback prototype.
typedef struct _LinphoneCoreVTable LinphoneCoreVTable
 This structure holds all callbacks that the application should implement. More...
typedef struct _LpConfig LinphoneConfig
 This object is used to manipulate a configuration file. More...
typedef enum _LinphoneConfiguringState LinphoneConfiguringState
 Describes the state of the remote configuring process of the LinphoneCore object, 'Skipped' when the feature is disabled. More...
typedef enum _LinphoneGlobalState LinphoneGlobalState
 Describes the global state of the LinphoneCore object. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneCore LinphoneCore
 Main object to instanciate and on which to keep a reference. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneFactory LinphoneFactory
 The factory is a singleton object devoted to the creation of all the objects of Liblinphone that cannot be created by LinphoneCore itself. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneCoreCbs LinphoneCoreCbs
 That class holds all the callbacks which are called by LinphoneCore. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneTransports LinphoneTransports
 SIP transports & ports configuration object. More...
typedef enum _LinphoneAddressFamily LinphoneAddressFamily
 Enum describing Ip family.
typedef enum _LinphoneIceState LinphoneIceState
 Enum describing ICE states.
typedef enum _LinphoneSessionExpiresRefresher LinphoneSessionExpiresRefresher
 Session Timers refresher.
typedef enum _LinphoneLogCollectionState LinphoneLogCollectionState
 Whether or not to keep a file with the logs.
typedef enum _LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadState LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadState
 Used to notify if log collection upload have been succesfully delivered or not.
typedef enum _LinphoneStreamType LinphoneStreamType
 Enum describing the stream types.
typedef enum _LinphoneUpnpState LinphoneUpnpState
 Enum describing uPnP states.


enum  _LinphoneConfiguringState {
  LinphoneConfiguringSuccessful = 0,
  LinphoneConfiguringFailed = 1,
  LinphoneConfiguringSkipped = 2
 Describes the state of the remote configuring process of the LinphoneCore object, 'Skipped' when the feature is disabled. More...
enum  _LinphoneGlobalState {
  LinphoneGlobalOff = 0,
  LinphoneGlobalStartup = 1,
  LinphoneGlobalOn = 2,
  LinphoneGlobalShutdown = 3,
  LinphoneGlobalConfiguring = 4,
  LinphoneGlobalReady = 5
 Describes the global state of the LinphoneCore object. More...
enum  _LinphoneAddressFamily {
  LinphoneAddressFamilyInet = 0,
  LinphoneAddressFamilyInet6 = 1,
  LinphoneAddressFamilyUnspec = 2
 Enum describing Ip family. More...
enum  _LinphoneIceState {
  LinphoneIceStateNotActivated = 0,
  LinphoneIceStateFailed = 1,
  LinphoneIceStateInProgress = 2,
  LinphoneIceStateHostConnection = 3,
  LinphoneIceStateRelayConnection = 5
 Enum describing ICE states. More...
enum  _LinphoneSessionExpiresRefresher {
  LinphoneSessionExpiresRefresherUnspecified = 0,
  LinphoneSessionExpiresRefresherUAS = 1,
  LinphoneSessionExpiresRefresherUAC = 2
 Session Timers refresher.
enum  _LinphoneLogCollectionState {
  LinphoneLogCollectionDisabled = 0,
  LinphoneLogCollectionEnabled = 1,
  LinphoneLogCollectionEnabledWithoutPreviousLogHandler = 2
 Whether or not to keep a file with the logs.
enum  _LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadState {
  LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadStateInProgress = 0,
  LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadStateNotDelivered = 2
 Used to notify if log collection upload have been succesfully delivered or not. More...
enum  _LinphoneStreamType {
  LinphoneStreamTypeAudio = 0,
  LinphoneStreamTypeVideo = 1,
  LinphoneStreamTypeText = 2,
  LinphoneStreamTypeUnknown = 3
 Enum describing the stream types.
enum  _LinphoneUpnpState {
  LinphoneUpnpStateIdle = 0,
  LinphoneUpnpStatePending = 1,
  LinphoneUpnpStateAdding = 2,
  LinphoneUpnpStateRemoving = 3,
  LinphoneUpnpStateNotAvailable = 4,
  LinphoneUpnpStateOk = 5,
  LinphoneUpnpStateKo = 6,
  LinphoneUpnpStateBlacklisted = 7
 Enum describing uPnP states. More...


void * linphone_conference_get_user_data (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Retrieves the user pointer that was given to linphone_conference_new() More...
void linphone_conference_set_user_data (LinphoneConference *conference, void *user_data)
 Associate a user pointer to the linphone conference. More...
LinphoneCoreVTablelinphone_core_v_table_new (void)
 Instantiate a vtable with all arguments set to NULL. More...
void linphone_core_v_table_set_user_data (LinphoneCoreVTable *table, void *data)
 Sets a user data pointer in the vtable. More...
void * linphone_core_v_table_get_user_data (const LinphoneCoreVTable *table)
 Gets a user data pointer in the vtable. More...
LinphoneCoreVTablelinphone_core_get_current_vtable (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the current VTable. More...
void linphone_core_v_table_destroy (LinphoneCoreVTable *table)
 Destroy a vtable. More...
LinphoneCoreCbslinphone_core_cbs_ref (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Increment the reference counter. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_unref (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Decrement the reference counter. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Set private data to be get from each callbacks. More...
void * linphone_core_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the user pointer. More...
LinphoneCoreCbslinphone_core_get_current_callbacks (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the current LinphoneCoreCbs. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_global_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreGlobalStateChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_global_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the # callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_registration_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_registration_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_conference_info_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceInfoReceivedCb cb)
 Set the conference info received callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceInfoReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_conference_info_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the conference info received callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_push_notification_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsPushNotificationReceivedCb cb)
 Set the push notification received callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsPushNotificationReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_push_notification_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the push notification received callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsPreviewDisplayErrorOccurredCb linphone_core_cbs_get_preview_display_error_occurred (const LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the rendering not working callback for preview. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_preview_display_error_occurred (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsPreviewDisplayErrorOccurredCb cb)
 Set the rendering not working callback for preview. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_presence_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_presence_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_new_subscription_requested (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_new_subscription_requested (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_authentication_requested (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_authentication_requested (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_log_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_log_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_id_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_id_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_message_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_message_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_new_message_reaction (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_reaction_removed_private (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedPrivateCb cb)
LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb linphone_core_cbs_get_new_message_reaction (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_reaction_removed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_reaction_removed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_messages_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_messages_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_message_sent (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb linphone_core_cbs_get_message_sent (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_session_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_session_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_read (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_read (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_message_received_unable_decrypt (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb linphone_core_cbs_get_message_received_unable_decrypt (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_is_composing_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_is_composing_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_dtmf_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_dtmf_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_refer_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_refer_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_goclear_ack_sent (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_goclear_ack_sent (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_encryption_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_encryption_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_send_master_key_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_send_master_key_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_receive_master_key_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_receive_master_key_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_transfer_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_transfer_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_buddy_info_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_buddy_info_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_stats_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_stats_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_info_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_info_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_subscription_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsSubscriptionStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsSubscriptionStateChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsSubscriptionStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_subscription_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsSubscriptionStateChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_sent (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsNotifySentCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifySentCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsNotifySentCb linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_sent (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifySentCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_subscribe_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsSubscribeReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsSubscribeReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsSubscribeReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_subscribe_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsSubscribeReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_publish_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsPublishStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsPublishStateChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsPublishStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_publish_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsPublishStateChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_publish_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsPublishReceivedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsPublishReceivedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsPublishReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_publish_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsPublishReceivedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_configuring_status (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb linphone_core_cbs_get_configuring_status (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_network_reachable (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb linphone_core_cbs_get_network_reachable (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_log_collection_upload_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_log_collection_upload_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_log_collection_upload_progress_indication (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb linphone_core_cbs_get_log_collection_upload_progress_indication (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_friend_list_created (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_friend_list_created (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_friend_list_removed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb cb)
 Set the LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_friend_list_removed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_created (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsCallCreatedCb cb)
 Set the call created callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsCallCreatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_created (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the call created callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_version_update_check_result_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsVersionUpdateCheckResultReceivedCb cb)
 Set the version update check result callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsVersionUpdateCheckResultReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_version_update_check_result_received (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the version update check result callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_conference_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the conference state changed callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_conference_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the conference state changed callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the chat room state changed callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the chat room state changed callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSubjectChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_subject_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the chat room subject changed callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_subject_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSubjectChangedCb cb)
 Set the chat room subject changed callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomEphemeralMessageDeleteCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_ephemeral_message_deleted (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the chat room ephemeral message deleted callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_ephemeral_message_deleted (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomEphemeralMessageDeleteCb cb)
 Set the chat room ephemeral message deleted callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsImeeUserRegistrationCb linphone_core_cbs_get_imee_user_registration (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the IMEE user registration callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_imee_user_registration (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsImeeUserRegistrationCb cb)
 Set the IMEE user registration callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsQrcodeFoundCb linphone_core_cbs_get_qrcode_found (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the qrcode found callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_qrcode_found (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsQrcodeFoundCb cb)
 Set the qrcode found callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsFirstCallStartedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_first_call_started (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Gets the first call started callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_first_call_started (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsFirstCallStartedCb cb)
 Sets the first call started callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsLastCallEndedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_last_call_ended (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Gets the last call ended callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_last_call_ended (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsLastCallEndedCb cb)
 Sets the last call ended callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_audio_device_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Gets the audio device changed callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_audio_device_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb cb)
 Sets the audio device changed callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDevicesListUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_audio_devices_list_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Gets the audio devices list updated callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_audio_devices_list_updated (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDevicesListUpdatedCb cb)
 Sets the audio devices list updated callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_result (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationResultCb cb)
 Sets a callback to call each time the echo-canceler calibration is completed. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_init (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioInitCb cb)
 Sets a callback to call when the echo-canceler calibrator has completed its audio graph. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_uninit (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioUninitCb cb)
 Sets a callback to call when the echo-canceler calibrator destroys its audio graph. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomExhumedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_exhumed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Sets a callback to call when a chat room is exhumed. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_exhumed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomExhumedCb cb)
 Sets a callback to call when a chat room is exhumed. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_account_registration_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRegistrationStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the account registration state changed callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_default_account_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsDefaultAccountChangedCb cb)
 Sets the default account changed callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsDefaultAccountChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_default_account_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Gets the default account changed callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_account_added (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsAccountAddedCb cb)
 Sets the account added callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsAccountAddedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_account_added (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Gets the account added callback. More...
void linphone_core_cbs_set_account_removed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRemovedCb cb)
 Sets the account removed callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRemovedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_account_removed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Gets the new account removed callback. More...
LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRegistrationStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_account_registration_state_changed (LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Get the account registration state changed callback. More...
LinphoneLogCollectionState linphone_core_log_collection_enabled (void)
 Tells whether the linphone core log collection is enabled. More...
void linphone_core_enable_log_collection (LinphoneLogCollectionState state)
 Enable the linphone core log collection to upload logs on a server. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_log_collection_path (void)
 Get the path where the log files will be written for log collection. More...
void linphone_core_set_log_collection_path (const char *path)
 Set the path of a directory where the log files will be written for log collection. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_log_collection_prefix (void)
 Get the prefix of the filenames that will be used for log collection. More...
void linphone_core_set_log_collection_prefix (const char *prefix)
 Set the prefix of the filenames that will be used for log collection. More...
size_t linphone_core_get_log_collection_max_file_size (void)
 Get the max file size in bytes of the files used for log collection. More...
void linphone_core_set_log_collection_max_file_size (size_t size)
 Set the max file size in bytes of the files used for log collection. More...
void linphone_core_set_log_collection_upload_server_url (LinphoneCore *core, const char *server_url)
 Set the url of the server where to upload the collected log files. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_log_collection_upload_server_url (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the url of the server where to upload the collected log files. More...
void linphone_core_upload_log_collection (LinphoneCore *core)
 Upload the log collection to the configured server url. More...
char * linphone_core_compress_log_collection (void)
 Compress the log collection in a single file. More...
void linphone_core_reset_log_collection (void)
 Reset the log collection by removing the log files.
void linphone_core_serialize_logs (void)
 Enable logs serialization (output logs from either the thread that creates the linphone core or the thread that calls linphone_core_iterate()). More...
const char * linphone_core_get_version (void)
 Returns liblinphone's version as a string. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_user_agent (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the user-agent as a string. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_in_background (const LinphoneCore *lc)
 Gets whether the Core is considering itself in background or not. More...
void linphone_core_enable_conference_ics_in_message_body (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enable sending conference invitations in the chat message body instead of as a file attachment. More...
bool_t linphone_core_conference_ics_in_message_body_enabled (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets wether conference invitations will be sent in the chat message body or as a file attachment. More...
void linphone_core_set_label (LinphoneCore *core, const char *label)
 Set a label - for logging/troubleshooting purpose - to the core object. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_label (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the label assigned to the LinphoneCore. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_start (LinphoneCore *core)
 Start a LinphoneCore object after it has been instantiated and not automatically started. More...
void linphone_core_stop (LinphoneCore *core)
 Stop a LinphoneCore object after it has been instantiated and started. More...
void linphone_core_stop_async (LinphoneCore *core)
 Stop asynchronously a LinphoneCore object after it has been instantiated and started. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_core_ref (LinphoneCore *core)
 Increment the reference counter of a LinphoneCore object. More...
void linphone_core_unref (LinphoneCore *core)
 Decrement the ref counter of a LinphoneCore object and destroy it if the counter reach 0. More...
void linphone_core_iterate (LinphoneCore *core)
 Main loop function. More...
void linphone_core_add_callbacks (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Add a listener in order to be notified of LinphoneCore events. More...
void linphone_core_remove_callbacks (LinphoneCore *core, const LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs)
 Remove a listener from a LinphoneCore. More...
void linphone_core_verify_server_certificates (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t yesno)
 Specify whether the tls server certificate must be verified when connecting to a SIP/TLS server. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_verify_server_certificates (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get whether the tls server certificate must be verified when connecting to a SIP/TLS server. More...
void linphone_core_verify_server_cn (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t yesno)
 Specify whether the tls server certificate common name must be verified when connecting to a SIP/TLS server. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_verify_server_cn (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get whether the tls server certificate common name must be verified when connecting to a SIP/TLS server. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_root_ca (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the path to a file or folder containing the trusted root CAs (PEM format) More...
void linphone_core_set_root_ca (LinphoneCore *core, const char *path)
 Sets the path to a file or folder containing trusted root CAs (PEM format) More...
void linphone_core_set_root_ca_data (LinphoneCore *core, const char *data)
 Sets the trusted root CAs (PEM format) More...
void linphone_core_set_ssl_config (LinphoneCore *core, void *ssl_config)
void linphone_core_migrate_logs_from_rc_to_db (LinphoneCore *core)
 Migrates the call logs from the linphonerc to the database if not done yet. More...
void * linphone_core_get_user_data (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Retrieves the user pointer that was given to linphone_core_new() More...
void linphone_core_set_user_data (LinphoneCore *core, void *user_data)
 Associate a user pointer to the linphone core. More...
void linphone_core_set_zrtp_secrets_file (LinphoneCore *core, const char *file)
 Set the path to the file storing the zrtp secrets cache. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_zrtp_secrets_file (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the path to the file storing the zrtp secrets cache. More...
void linphone_core_set_user_certificates_path (LinphoneCore *core, const char *path)
 Set the path to the directory storing the user's x509 certificates (used by dtls) More...
const char * linphone_core_get_user_certificates_path (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the path to the directory storing the user's certificates. More...
void linphone_core_reload_ms_plugins (LinphoneCore *core, const char *path)
 Reload mediastreamer2 plugins from specified directory. More...
int linphone_core_get_max_calls (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the maximum number of simultaneous calls Linphone core can manage at a time. More...
void linphone_core_set_max_calls (LinphoneCore *core, int max)
 Set the maximum number of simultaneous calls Linphone core can manage at a time. More...
void linphone_core_set_srtp_crypto_suites (LinphoneCore *core, const char *suites)
 Set the crypto suites available to the core. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_srtp_crypto_suites (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the crypto suites available to the core. More...
bool_t linphone_core_zrtp_go_clear_enabled (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Check if the ZRTP go clear is enabled or not. More...
void linphone_core_enable_zrtp_go_clear (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enabled)
 Define whether ZRTP go clear is enabled. More...
bool_t linphone_core_media_encryption_supported (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneMediaEncryption menc)
 Check if a media encryption type is supported. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_set_provisioning_uri (LinphoneCore *core, const char *uri)
 Set URI where to download xml configuration file at startup. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_provisioning_uri (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Get provisioning URI. More...
void linphone_core_add_provisioning_header (LinphoneCore *core, const char *header_name, const char *value)
 Add an extra header for retrieving the remote provisioning (check linphone_core_set_provisioning_uri()). More...
void linphone_core_clear_provisioning_headers (LinphoneCore *core)
 Clear all headers that were added with linphone_core_add_provisioning_header(). More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_migrate_to_multi_transport (LinphoneCore *core)
 Migrate configuration so that all SIP transports are enabled. More...
void linphone_core_set_supported_tag (LinphoneCore *core, const char *tags)
 Set the supported tags. More...
void linphone_core_add_supported_tag (LinphoneCore *core, const char *tag)
 This function controls signaling features supported by the core. More...
void linphone_core_remove_supported_tag (LinphoneCore *core, const char *tag)
 Remove a supported tag. More...
void linphone_core_set_linphone_specs_list (LinphoneCore *core, const bctbx_list_t *specs)
 Set the linphone specs list value telling what functionalities the linphone client supports. More...
void linphone_core_add_linphone_spec (LinphoneCore *core, const char *spec)
 Add the given linphone specs to the list of functionalities the linphone client supports. More...
void linphone_core_remove_linphone_spec (LinphoneCore *core, const char *spec)
 Remove the given linphone specs from the list of functionalities the linphone client supports. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_core_get_linphone_specs_list (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the list of linphone specs string values representing what functionalities the linphone client supports. More...
void linphone_core_set_friends_database_path (LinphoneCore *core, const char *path)
 Sets the database filename where friends will be stored. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_friends_database_path (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the database filename where friends will be stored. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCorelinphone_core_new (const LinphoneCoreVTable *vtable, const char *config_path, const char *factory_config_path, void *userdata)
 Instanciates a LinphoneCore object. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCorelinphone_core_new_with_config (const LinphoneCoreVTable *vtable, LinphoneConfig *config, void *userdata)
 Instantiates a LinphoneCore object with a given LpConfig. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_add_listener (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCoreVTable *vtable)
 add a listener to be notified of linphone core events. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_remove_listener (LinphoneCore *core, const LinphoneCoreVTable *vtable)
 remove a listener registred by linphone_core_add_listener. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_destroy (LinphoneCore *core)
 Destroys a LinphoneCore. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void * linphone_core_get_zrtp_cache_db (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get a pointer to the sqlite db holding zrtp/lime cache. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_core_get_linphone_specs (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the linphone specs value telling what functionalities the linphone client supports. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_set_linphone_specs (LinphoneCore *core, const char *specs)
 Set the linphone specs value telling what functionalities the linphone client supports. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_set_call_logs_database_path (LinphoneCore *core, const char *path)
 Sets the database filename where call logs will be stored. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_core_get_call_logs_database_path (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the database filename where call logs will be stored. More...
const char * linphone_stream_type_to_string (const LinphoneStreamType type)
 Function returning a human readable value for LinphoneStreamType. More...
LinphoneFactorylinphone_factory_get (void)
 Create the LinphoneFactory if that has not been done and return a pointer on it. More...
void linphone_factory_clean (void)
 Clean the factory. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_factory_create_core_3 (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *config_path, const char *factory_config_path, void *system_context)
 Instantiate a LinphoneCore object. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_factory_create_shared_core (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *config_filename, const char *factory_config_path, void *system_context, const char *app_group_id, bool_t main_core)
 Instantiate a shared LinphoneCore object. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_factory_create_core_with_config_3 (const LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneConfig *config, void *system_context)
 Instantiate a LinphoneCore object with a given LinphoneConfig. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_factory_create_shared_core_with_config (const LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneConfig *config, void *system_context, const char *app_group_id, bool_t main_core)
 Instantiate a shared LinphoneCore object. More...
LinphoneCoreCbslinphone_factory_create_core_cbs (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Instanciate a LinphoneCoreCbs object. More...
LinphoneAddresslinphone_factory_create_address (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *addr)
 Parse a string holding a SIP URI and create the according LinphoneAddress object. More...
LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentitylinphone_factory_create_participant_device_identity (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const LinphoneAddress *address, const char *name)
 Create a LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object. More...
LinphoneAuthInfolinphone_factory_create_auth_info (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *username, const char *userid, const char *passwd, const char *ha1, const char *realm, const char *domain)
 Creates a LinphoneAuthInfo object. More...
LinphoneAuthInfolinphone_factory_create_auth_info_2 (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *username, const char *userid, const char *passwd, const char *ha1, const char *realm, const char *domain, const char *algorithm)
 Creates a LinphoneAuthInfo object. More...
char * linphone_factory_compute_ha1_for_algorithm (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *userid, const char *password, const char *realm, const char *algorithm)
 Computes the hashed version of the password given the user ID and the realm, using given algorithm. More...
LinphoneCallCbslinphone_factory_create_call_cbs (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Create a LinphoneCallCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a call. More...
LinphoneConferenceCbslinphone_factory_create_conference_cbs (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Create a LinphoneConferenceCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a conference. More...
LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbslinphone_factory_create_participant_device_cbs (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Create a LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a participant device. More...
LinphoneChatRoomCbslinphone_factory_create_chat_room_cbs (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Create a LinphoneChatRoomCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a chat room. More...
LinphoneChatMessageCbslinphone_factory_create_chat_message_cbs (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Create a LinphoneChatMessageCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a chat message. More...
LinphoneMagicSearchCbslinphone_factory_create_magic_search_cbs (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Create a LinphoneMagicSearchCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a chat message. More...
LinphoneVcardlinphone_factory_create_vcard (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Create an empty LinphoneVcard. More...
LinphoneVideoDefinitionlinphone_factory_create_video_definition (const LinphoneFactory *factory, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Create a LinphoneVideoDefinition from a given width and height. More...
LinphoneVideoDefinitionlinphone_factory_create_video_definition_from_name (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *name)
 Create a LinphoneVideoDefinition from a given standard definition name. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_factory_get_supported_video_definitions (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the list of standard video definitions supported by Linphone. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_factory_get_recommended_video_definitions (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the recommended list of standard video definitions. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_top_resources_dir (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the top directory where the resources are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_top_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the top directory where the resources are located. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_data_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the directory where the data resources are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_data_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the data resources are located. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_sound_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the directory where the sound resources are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_sound_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the sound resources are located. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_ring_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the directory where the ring resources are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_ring_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the ring resources are located. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_image_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the directory where the image resources are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_image_resources_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the image resources are located. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_msplugins_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the directory where the mediastreamer2 plugins are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_msplugins_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the mediastreamer2 plugins are located. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_liblinphone_plugins_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Get the directory where the liblinphone plugins are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_liblinphone_plugins_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the liblinphone plugins are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_config_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the configurations are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_data_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the application local data are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_download_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where downloads are located. More...
void linphone_factory_set_cache_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Set the directory where the application local cache is located. More...
LinphoneErrorInfolinphone_factory_create_error_info (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneErrorInfo. More...
LinphoneRangelinphone_factory_create_range (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneRange. More...
LinphoneTransportslinphone_factory_create_transports (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneTransports. More...
LinphoneVideoActivationPolicylinphone_factory_create_video_activation_policy (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneVideoActivationPolicy. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_factory_get_dial_plans (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Returns a bctbx_list_t of all DialPlans. More...
LinphoneContentlinphone_factory_create_content (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneContent. More...
LinphoneContentlinphone_factory_create_content_from_file (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *file_path)
 Creates a file object of LinphoneContent from a file path. More...
LinphoneBufferlinphone_factory_create_buffer (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneBuffer. More...
LinphoneBufferlinphone_factory_create_buffer_from_data (LinphoneFactory *factory, const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
 Creates an object LinphoneBuffer. More...
LinphoneBufferlinphone_factory_create_buffer_from_string (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *data)
 Creates an object LinphoneBuffer. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_factory_create_config (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Creates an object LinphoneConfig. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_factory_create_config_with_factory (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path, const char *factory_path)
 Creates an object LinphoneConfig. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_factory_create_config_from_string (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *data)
 Creates an object LinphoneConfig. More...
void * linphone_factory_get_user_data (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Gets the user data in the LinphoneFactory object. More...
void linphone_factory_set_user_data (LinphoneFactory *factory, void *data)
 Sets the user data in the LinphoneFactory object. More...
void linphone_factory_set_log_collection_path (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *path)
 Sets the log collection path. More...
void linphone_factory_enable_log_collection (LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneLogCollectionState state)
 Enables or disables log collection. More...
LinphoneTunnelConfiglinphone_factory_create_tunnel_config (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneTunnelConfig. More...
LinphoneAccountCbslinphone_factory_create_account_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneAccountCbs. More...
LinphoneAlertCbslinphone_factory_create_alert_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneAlertCbs. More...
LinphoneSignalInformationlinphone_factory_create_signal_information (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneSignalInformation. More...
LinphoneLoggingServiceCbslinphone_factory_create_logging_service_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneLoggingServiceCbs. More...
LinphonePlayerCbslinphone_factory_create_player_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphonePlayerCbs. More...
LinphoneEventCbslinphone_factory_create_event_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneEventCbs. More...
LinphoneFriendListCbslinphone_factory_create_friend_list_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneFriendListCbs. More...
LinphoneFriendCbslinphone_factory_create_friend_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneFriendCbs. More...
LinphoneAccountCreatorCbslinphone_factory_create_account_creator_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneAccountCreatorCbs. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbslinphone_factory_create_xml_rpc_request_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs. More...
bool_t linphone_factory_is_chatroom_backend_available (LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneChatRoomBackend chatroom_backend)
 Indicates if the given LinphoneChatRoomBackend is available. More...
bool_t linphone_factory_is_database_storage_available (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Indicates if the storage in database is available. More...
bool_t linphone_factory_is_imdn_available (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Indicates if IMDN are available. More...
LinphoneConferenceInfolinphone_factory_create_conference_info (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneConferenceInfo. More...
LinphoneConferenceInfolinphone_factory_create_conference_info_from_icalendar_content (LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneContent *content)
 Creates an object LinphoneConferenceInfo from an Icalendar LinphoneContent. More...
LinphoneParticipantInfolinphone_factory_create_participant_info (LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneAddress *address)
 Creates an object LinphoneConferenceInfo from an Icalendar LinphoneContent. More...
LinphoneConferenceSchedulerCbslinphone_factory_create_conference_scheduler_cbs (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneConferenceSchedulerCbs. More...
bool_t linphone_factory_is_qrcode_available (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Indicates if the QRCode feature is available. More...
LinphoneContentlinphone_factory_create_qrcode (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *code, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int margin)
 Creates a Bitmap QRCode and return it into an object LinphoneContent. More...
int linphone_factory_write_qrcode_file (LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *file_path, const char *code, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int margin)
 Creates a QRCode and write it into a JPEG file specified by file_path (only if build with JPEG). More...
LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptorlinphone_factory_create_video_source_descriptor (LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Creates an object LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCorelinphone_factory_create_core (const LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, const char *config_path, const char *factory_config_path)
 Instanciate a LinphoneCore object. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCorelinphone_factory_create_core_2 (const LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, const char *config_path, const char *factory_config_path, void *user_data, void *system_context)
 Instanciate a LinphoneCore object. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCorelinphone_factory_create_core_with_config (const LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneConfig *config)
 Instantiates a LinphoneCore object with a given LpConfig. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCorelinphone_factory_create_core_with_config_2 (const LinphoneFactory *factory, LinphoneCoreCbs *cbs, LinphoneConfig *config, void *user_data, void *system_context)
 Instantiates a LinphoneCore object with a given LpConfig. More...
void linphone_factory_set_vfs_encryption (LinphoneFactory *factory, const uint16_t encryptionModule, const uint8_t *secret, const size_t secretSize)
 Select encryption module and set secret material to encrypt the files. More...
LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicylinphone_factory_create_digest_authentication_policy (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Create a LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy object. More...
LinphoneFriendPhoneNumberlinphone_factory_create_friend_phone_number (const LinphoneFactory *factory, const char *phone_number, const char *label)
 Creates a new LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber objects. More...

Detailed Description

Initializing liblinphone.

Macro Definition Documentation



Don't create any server socket for this transport, ie don't bind on any port.

Use with #LinphoneSipTransports

Typedef Documentation

◆ LinphoneConfig

typedef struct _LpConfig LinphoneConfig

This object is used to manipulate a configuration file.

The format of the configuration file is a .ini like format:

  • sections are defined in []
  • each section contains a sequence of key=value pairs
  • each line starting by a # is a comment

Various types can be used: strings and lists of strings, integers, floats, booleans (written as 0 or 1) and range of integers.

Usually a LinphoneCore is initialized using two LinphoneConfig, one default (where configuration changes through API calls will be saved) and one named 'factory' which is read-only and overwrites any setting that may exists in the default one.

It is also possible to use only one (either default or factory) or even none.

◆ LinphoneConfiguringState

Describes the state of the remote configuring process of the LinphoneCore object, 'Skipped' when the feature is disabled.

It is notified via the configuring_status() callback in LinphoneCoreCbs.

◆ LinphoneCore

typedef struct _LinphoneCore LinphoneCore

Main object to instanciate and on which to keep a reference.

This object is the first object to instanciante, and will allow you to perform all kind of tasks. To create it, use either linphone_factory_create_core_3() or linphone_factory_create_core_with_config_3(), see LinphoneConfig for more information about factory and default config. On some platforms like Android or iOS you will need to give it the Context of your application.

Once the LinphoneCore is in state LinphoneGlobalReady, use linphone_core_start(). It will then go to state LinphoneGlobalOn and from that you can start using it for calls and chat messages. It is recommended to add a LinphoneCoreCbs listener using linphone_core_add_callbacks() to monitor different events.

To be able to receive events from the network, you must schedule a call linphone_core_iterate() often, like every 20ms. On Android & iOS linphone_core_is_auto_iterate_enabled() is enabled by default so you don't have to worry about that unless you disable it using linphone_core_enable_auto_iterate() or by setting in the [misc] section of your configuration auto_iterate=0.

Our API isn't thread-safe but also isn't blocking, so it is strongly recommend to always call our methods from the main thread.

Once you don't need it anymore, call linphone_core_stop() and release the reference on it so it can gracefully shutdown.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbs

typedef struct _LinphoneCoreCbs LinphoneCoreCbs

That class holds all the callbacks which are called by LinphoneCore.

Once created, add your LinphoneCoreCbs using linphone_core_add_callbacks(). Keep a reference on it as long as you need it. You can use linphone_core_remove_callbacks() to remove it but that isn't mandatory.

The same applies to all listeners in our API.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsAccountAddedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAccountAddedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)

Account added callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
accountLinphoneAccount object that has been added to the Core using linphone_core_add_account() for example.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRegistrationStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRegistrationStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account, LinphoneRegistrationState state, const char *message)

Callback notifying that a LinphoneAccount has its registration state changed.

coreThe LinphoneCore object.
accountThe LinphoneAccount object which has its registration changed.
stateThe new LinphoneRegistrationState for this account.
messagea non NULL informational message about the state

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRemovedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRemovedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)

Account removed callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
accountLinphoneAccount object that has been added to the Core using linphone_core_remove_account() for example.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)

Callback prototype telling that the audio device for at least one call has changed.

coreLinphoneCore object
audio_devicethe newly used LinphoneAudioDevice object

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDevicesListUpdatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDevicesListUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core)

Callback prototype telling the audio devices list has been updated.

Either a new device is available or a previously available device isn't anymore. You can call linphone_core_get_audio_devices() to get the new list.

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAuthInfo *auth_info, LinphoneAuthMethod method)

Callback for requesting authentication information to application or user.

corethe LinphoneCore
auth_infoa LinphoneAuthInfo pre-filled with username, realm and domain values as much as possible
methodthe type of authentication requested as LinphoneAuthMethod enum Application shall reply to this callback using linphone_core_add_auth_info().

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)

Callback prototype when using the buddy plugin.

corethe LinphoneCore
linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend that has been updated

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallCreatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallCreatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)

Callback notifying that a new LinphoneCall (either incoming or outgoing) has been created.

coreLinphoneCore object that has created the call
callThe newly created LinphoneCall object

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, bool_t media_encryption_enabled, const char *authentication_token)

Call encryption changed callback.

corethe LinphoneCore
callthe LinphoneCall on which encryption is changed.
media_encryption_enabledwhether encryption is activated.
authentication_tokenan authentication token, currently set for ZRTP kind of encryption only.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)

GoClear ACK sent on call callback.

corethe LinphoneCore
callthe LinphoneCall on which the GoClear ACK was sent.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, const char *previous_call_id, const char *current_call_id)

Callback to notify the callid of a call has been updated.

This is done typically when a call retry.

corethe LinphoneCore
previous_call_idthe previous callid.
current_call_idthe new callid.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCallLog *call_log)

Callback to notify a new call-log entry has been added.

This is done typically when a call terminates.

corethe LinphoneCore
call_logthe new LinphoneCallLog entry added.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const char *master_key)

Call receive master key changed callback.

corethe LinphoneCore
callthe LinphoneCall on which the GoClear ACK was sent.
master_keynew master key.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const char *master_key)

Call send master key changed callback.

corethe LinphoneCore
callthe LinphoneCall on which the GoClear ACK was sent.
master_keynew master key.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCallState state, const char *message)

Call state notification callback.

corethe LinphoneCore
callthe LinphoneCall object whose state is changed.
statethe new LinphoneCallState of the call
messagea non NULL informational message about the state.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallStats *call_stats)

Callback for receiving quality statistics for calls.

corethe LinphoneCore
callthe LinphoneCall
call_statsthe LinphoneCallStats statistics.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomEphemeralMessageDeleteCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomEphemeralMessageDeleteCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)

Callback prototype telling that a LinphoneChatRoom ephemeral message has expired.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomThe LinphoneChatRoom object for which a message has expired.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)

Chat room marked as read callback.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom that has been marked as read.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneCallState state, const char *message)

Chat room session state changed callback.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom that has been marked as read.
statethe new LinphoneCallState of the call
messagea non NULL informational message about the state.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatRoomState state)

Callback prototype telling that a LinphoneChatRoom state has changed.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomThe LinphoneChatRoom object for which the state has changed
statethe current LinphoneChatRoomState

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSubjectChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSubjectChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)

Callback prototype telling that a LinphoneChatRoom subject has changed.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomThe LinphoneChatRoom object for which the subject has changed

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneConferenceState state)

Callback prototype telling that a LinphoneConference state has changed.

[in]coreLinphoneCore object
[in]conferenceThe LinphoneConference object for which the state has changed
[in]statethe current LinphoneChatRoomState

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneConfiguringState status, const char *message)

Callback prototype for configuring status changes notification.

corethe LinphoneCore
statusthe current LinphoneConfiguringState
messageinformational message.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsDefaultAccountChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsDefaultAccountChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)

Default account changed callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
accountLinphoneAccount object that has been set as the default account, probably by calling linphone_core_set_default_account(), or NULL if the default account was removed.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, int dtmf)

Callback for being notified of DTMFs received.

corethe LinphoneCore
callthe LinphoneCall that received the dtmf
dtmfthe ascii code of the dtmf

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsFirstCallStartedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsFirstCallStartedCb) (LinphoneCore *core)

Callback prototype telling a call has started (incoming or outgoing) while there was no other call.

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)

Callback prototype for reporting when a friend list has been added to the core friend lists.

coreLinphoneCore object
friend_listLinphoneFriendList object

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)

Callback prototype for reporting when a friend list has been removed from the core friend lists.

coreLinphoneCore object
friend_listLinphoneFriendList object

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneGlobalState state, const char *message)

Global state notification callback.

corethe LinphoneCore.
statethe LinphoneGlobalState
messageinformational message.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsImeeUserRegistrationCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsImeeUserRegistrationCb) (LinphoneCore *core, const bool_t status, const char *user_id, const char *info)

Callback prototype telling that an Instant Message Encryption Engine user registered on the server with or without success.

coreLinphoneCore object
statusthe return status of the registration action.
user_idthe userId published on the encryption engine server
infoinformation about failure

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneInfoMessage *message)

Callback prototype for receiving info messages.

corethe LinphoneCore
callthe call whose info message belongs to.
messagethe info message.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)

Is composing notification callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom involved in the conversation.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsLastCallEndedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsLastCallEndedCb) (LinphoneCore *core)

Callback prototype telling the last call has ended (linphone_core_get_calls_nb() returns 0)

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb) (LinphoneCore *core, size_t offset, size_t total)

Callback prototype for reporting log collection upload progress indication.

coreLinphoneCore object
offsetthe number of bytes sent since the start of the upload
totalthe total number of bytes to upload

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadState state, const char *info)

Callback prototype for reporting log collection upload state change.

coreLinphoneCore object
stateThe state of the log collection upload
infoAdditional information: error message in case of error state, URL of uploaded file in case of success.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)

Chat message callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom involved in this conversation. Can be created by the framework in case the From-URI is not present in any chat room.
messageLinphoneChatMessage incoming message

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)

Chat message not decrypted callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom involved in this conversation. Can be be created by the framework in case the from-URI is not present in any chat room.
messageLinphoneChatMessage incoming message

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)

Called after the linphone_chat_message_send() was called.

The message will be in state InProgress. In case of resend this callback won't be called.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom involved in this conversation. Can be be created by the framework in case the From-URI is not present in any chat room.
messageLinphoneChatMessage outgoing message

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, const bctbx_list_t *messages)

Chat messages callback prototype.

Only called when aggregation is enabled (aka [sip] chat_messages_aggregation == 1 or using linphone_core_set_chat_messages_aggregation_enabled()), it replaces the single message received callback.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom involved in this conversation. Can be created by the framework in case the From-URI is not present in any chat room.
messagesThe of incoming messages

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb) (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t reachable)

Callback prototype for reporting network change either automatically detected or notified by linphone_core_set_network_reachable().

corethe LinphoneCore
reachabletrue if network is reachable.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message, const LinphoneChatMessageReaction *reaction)

Chat message new reaction callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom involved in this conversation. Can be created by the framework in case the From-URI is not present in any chat room.
messagethe LinphoneChatMessage to which the reaction applies to
reactionthe LinphoneChatMessageReaction that has been sent or received

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *url)

Reports that a new subscription request has been received and wait for a decision.

A subscription request is notified by this function only if the LinphoneSubscribePolicy for the given LinphoneFriend has been set to LinphoneSPWait. See linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy().
coreLinphoneCore object
linphone_friendThe LinphoneFriend aimed by the subscription.
urlURI of the subscriber

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)

Report status change for a friend previously added to the LinphoneCore with linphone_core_add_friend().

coreLinphoneCore object
linphone_friendUpdated LinphoneFriend

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *uri_or_tel, const LinphonePresenceModel *presence_model)

Reports presence model change for a specific URI or phone number of a friend.

coreLinphoneCore object
linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
uri_or_telThe URI or phone number for which the presence model has changed
presence_modelThe new LinphonePresenceModel

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsQrcodeFoundCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsQrcodeFoundCb) (LinphoneCore *core, const char *result)

Callback prototype telling the result of decoded qrcode.

coreLinphoneCore object
resultThe result of the decoded qrcode

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message, const LinphoneAddress *address)

Chat message removed reaction callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom involved in this conversation. Can be created by the framework in case the From-URI is not present in any chat room.
messagethe LinphoneChatMessage to which a reaction has been removed from
addressthe LinphoneAddress of the person that removed it's reaction

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, const char *refer_to)

Callback prototype for when a refer is received.

corethe LinphoneCore
refer_tothe address of the refer

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneProxyConfig *proxy_config, LinphoneRegistrationState state, const char *message)

Registration state notification callback prototype.

corethe LinphoneCore
proxy_configthe LinphoneProxyConfig which state has changed
statethe current LinphoneRegistrationState
messagea non NULL informational message about the state
06/04/2020 Use LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRegistrationStateChangedCb instead

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *transfered, LinphoneCallState call_state)

Callback for notifying progresses of transfers.

corethe LinphoneCore
transferedthe LinphoneCall that was transfered
call_statethe LinphoneCallState of the call to transfer target at the far end.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsVersionUpdateCheckResultReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsVersionUpdateCheckResultReceivedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckResult result, const char *version, const char *url)

Callback prototype for reporting the result of a version update check.

coreLinphoneCore object
resultThe result of the version update check
urlThe url where to download the new version if the result is #LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckNewVersionAvailable

◆ LinphoneCoreFileTransferProgressIndicationCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreFileTransferProgressIndicationCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatMessage *message, LinphoneContent *content, size_t offset, size_t total)

File transfer progress indication callback prototype.

coreLinphoneCore object
messageLinphoneChatMessage message from which the body is received.
contentLinphoneContent incoming content information
offsetThe number of bytes sent/received since the beginning of the transfer.
totalThe total number of bytes to be sent/received.

◆ LinphoneCoreFileTransferRecvCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreFileTransferRecvCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatMessage *message, LinphoneContent *content, const char *buffer, size_t size)

File transfer receive callback prototype.

This function is called by the core upon an incoming File transfer is started. This function may be call several time for the same file in case of large file.

coreLinphoneCore object
messageLinphoneChatMessage message from which the body is received.
contentLinphoneContent incoming content information
bufferpointer to the received data
sizenumber of bytes to be read from buff. 0 means end of file.

◆ LinphoneCoreFileTransferSendCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreFileTransferSendCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatMessage *message, LinphoneContent *content, char *buffer, size_t *size)

File transfer send callback prototype.

This function is called by the core upon an outgoing file transfer is started. This function is called until size is set to 0.

coreLinphoneCore object
messageLinphoneChatMessage message from which the body is received.
contentLinphoneContent outgoing content
bufferpointer to the buffer where data chunk shall be written by the app
sizeas input value, it represents the number of bytes expected by the framework. As output value, it means the number of bytes wrote by the application in the buffer. 0 means end of file.

◆ LinphoneCoreVTable

This structure holds all callbacks that the application should implement.

None is mandatory.

◆ LinphoneFactory

typedef struct _LinphoneFactory LinphoneFactory

The factory is a singleton object devoted to the creation of all the objects of Liblinphone that cannot be created by LinphoneCore itself.

It is also used to configure a few behaviors before creating the LinphoneCore, like the logs verbosity or collection.

◆ LinphoneGlobalState

Describes the global state of the LinphoneCore object.

It is notified via the global_state_changed() callback in LinphoneCoreCbs.

◆ LinphoneTransports

typedef struct _LinphoneTransports LinphoneTransports

SIP transports & ports configuration object.

Indicates which transport among UDP, TCP, TLS and DTLS should be enabled and if so on which port to listen. You can use special values like LC_SIP_TRANSPORT_DISABLED (0), LC_SIP_TRANSPORT_RANDOM (-1) and LC_SIP_TRANSPORT_DONTBIND (-2).

Once configuration is complete, use linphone_core_set_transports() to apply it. This will be saved in configuration file so you don't have to do it each time the LinphoneCore starts.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _LinphoneAddressFamily

Enum describing Ip family.







◆ _LinphoneConfiguringState

Describes the state of the remote configuring process of the LinphoneCore object, 'Skipped' when the feature is disabled.

It is notified via the configuring_status() callback in LinphoneCoreCbs.

◆ _LinphoneCoreLogCollectionUploadState

Used to notify if log collection upload have been succesfully delivered or not.


Delivery in progress.


Log collection upload successfully delivered and acknowledged by remote end point.


Log collection upload was not delivered.

◆ _LinphoneGlobalState

Describes the global state of the LinphoneCore object.

It is notified via the global_state_changed() callback in LinphoneCoreCbs.


State in which we're in after linphone_core_stop().

Do not call any method while in this state except for linphone_core_start()


Transient state for when we call linphone_core_start()


Indicates LinphoneCore has been started and is up and running.


Transient state for when we call linphone_core_stop()


Transient state between Startup and On if there is a remote provisionning URI configured.


LinphoneCore state after being created by linphone_factory_create_core(), generally followed by a call to linphone_core_start()

◆ _LinphoneIceState

Enum describing ICE states.


ICE has not been activated for this call or stream.


ICE processing has failed.


ICE process is in progress.


ICE has established a direct connection to the remote host.


ICE has established a connection to the remote host through one or several NATs.


ICE has established a connection through a relay.

◆ _LinphoneUpnpState

Enum describing uPnP states.


uPnP is not activate


uPnP process is in progress


Internal use: Only used by port binding.


Internal use: Only used by port binding.


uPnP is not available


uPnP is enabled


uPnP processing has failed


IGD router is blacklisted.

Function Documentation

◆ linphone_conference_get_user_data()

void* linphone_conference_get_user_data ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Retrieves the user pointer that was given to linphone_conference_new()

conferenceLinphoneConference object
The user data associated with the LinphoneConference object.

◆ linphone_conference_set_user_data()

void linphone_conference_set_user_data ( LinphoneConference conference,
void *  user_data 

Associate a user pointer to the linphone conference.

coreLinphoneConference object
user_dataThe user data to associate with the LinphoneConference object.

◆ linphone_core_add_callbacks()

void linphone_core_add_callbacks ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCoreCbs cbs 

Add a listener in order to be notified of LinphoneCore events.

Once an event is received, registred LinphoneCoreCbs are invoked sequencially.

coreThe LinphoneCore object to monitor.
cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs object holding the callbacks you need. A reference is taken by LinphoneCore until you invoke linphone_core_remove_callbacks().

◆ linphone_core_add_linphone_spec()

void linphone_core_add_linphone_spec ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  spec 

Add the given linphone specs to the list of functionalities the linphone client supports.

coreLinphoneCore object
specThe spec to add

◆ linphone_core_add_listener()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_add_listener ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCoreVTable vtable 

add a listener to be notified of linphone core events.

Once events are received, registered vtable are invoked in order.

vtablea LinphoneCoreVTable structure holding your application callbacks. Object is owned by linphone core until linphone_core_remove_listener.
12/01/2017 Use linphone_core_add_callbacks() instead.

◆ linphone_core_add_provisioning_header()

void linphone_core_add_provisioning_header ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  header_name,
const char *  value 

Add an extra header for retrieving the remote provisioning (check linphone_core_set_provisioning_uri()).

This can also be set from configuration file or factory config file, from[misc] section, item "config-uri-headers_X" where X is the index of the header starting by 0.

corethe LinphoneCore object
header_namethe header to use when downloading the configuration.
valuethe value to use when downloading the configuration.

◆ linphone_core_add_supported_tag()

void linphone_core_add_supported_tag ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  tag 

This function controls signaling features supported by the core.

They are typically included in a SIP Supported header.

coreLinphoneCore object
tagThe feature tag name

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_account_added()

LinphoneCoreCbsAccountAddedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_account_added ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Gets the account added callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
The account added callback that will be triggered.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_account_registration_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRegistrationStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_account_registration_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the account registration state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
The current account registration state changed callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_account_removed()

LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRemovedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_account_removed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Gets the new account removed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
The new account removed callback that will be triggered.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_audio_device_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_audio_device_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Gets the audio device changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_audio_devices_list_updated()

LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDevicesListUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_audio_devices_list_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Gets the audio devices list updated callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_authentication_requested()

LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_authentication_requested ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_buddy_info_updated()

LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_buddy_info_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_created()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallCreatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_created ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the call created callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
The current call created callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_encryption_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_encryption_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_goclear_ack_sent()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_goclear_ack_sent ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_id_updated()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_id_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_log_updated()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_log_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_receive_master_key_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_receive_master_key_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_send_master_key_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_send_master_key_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_call_stats_updated()

LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_call_stats_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_ephemeral_message_deleted()

LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomEphemeralMessageDeleteCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_ephemeral_message_deleted ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the chat room ephemeral message deleted callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_exhumed()

LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomExhumedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_exhumed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Sets a callback to call when a chat room is exhumed.

Internal use only!

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_read()

LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_read ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_session_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_session_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the chat room state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_subject_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSubjectChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_chat_room_subject_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the chat room subject changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_conference_info_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceInfoReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_conference_info_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the conference info received callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
The current conference info received callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_conference_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_conference_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the conference state changed callback.

[in]cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_configuring_status()

LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb linphone_core_cbs_get_configuring_status ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_default_account_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsDefaultAccountChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_default_account_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Gets the default account changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
The default account changed callback that will be triggered.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_dtmf_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_dtmf_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_first_call_started()

LinphoneCoreCbsFirstCallStartedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_first_call_started ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Gets the first call started callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_friend_list_created()

LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_friend_list_created ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_friend_list_removed()

LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_friend_list_removed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_global_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_global_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the # callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_imee_user_registration()

LinphoneCoreCbsImeeUserRegistrationCb linphone_core_cbs_get_imee_user_registration ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the IMEE user registration callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_info_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_info_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_is_composing_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_is_composing_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_last_call_ended()

LinphoneCoreCbsLastCallEndedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_last_call_ended ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Gets the last call ended callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_log_collection_upload_progress_indication()

LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb linphone_core_cbs_get_log_collection_upload_progress_indication ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_log_collection_upload_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_log_collection_upload_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_message_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_message_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_message_received_unable_decrypt()

LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb linphone_core_cbs_get_message_received_unable_decrypt ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_message_sent()

LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb linphone_core_cbs_get_message_sent ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_messages_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_messages_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_network_reachable()

LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb linphone_core_cbs_get_network_reachable ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_new_message_reaction()

LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb linphone_core_cbs_get_new_message_reaction ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_new_subscription_requested()

LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_new_subscription_requested ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_presence_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_presence_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel()

LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_sent()

LinphoneCoreCbsNotifySentCb linphone_core_cbs_get_notify_sent ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifySentCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_preview_display_error_occurred()

LinphoneCoreCbsPreviewDisplayErrorOccurredCb linphone_core_cbs_get_preview_display_error_occurred ( const LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the rendering not working callback for preview.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_publish_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsPublishReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_publish_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsPublishReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_publish_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsPublishStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_publish_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsPublishStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_push_notification_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsPushNotificationReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_push_notification_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the push notification received callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
The current push notification received callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_qrcode_found()

LinphoneCoreCbsQrcodeFoundCb linphone_core_cbs_get_qrcode_found ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the qrcode found callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_reaction_removed()

LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_reaction_removed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_refer_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_refer_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_registration_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_registration_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_subscribe_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsSubscribeReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_subscribe_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsSubscribeReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_subscription_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsSubscriptionStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_subscription_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsSubscriptionStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_transfer_state_changed()

LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_transfer_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
The callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_core_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the user pointer.

cbsthe LinphoneCoreCbs object
the user data pointer.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_get_version_update_check_result_received()

LinphoneCoreCbsVersionUpdateCheckResultReceivedCb linphone_core_cbs_get_version_update_check_result_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Get the version update check result callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
The current callback

◆ linphone_core_cbs_ref()

LinphoneCoreCbs* linphone_core_cbs_ref ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Increment the reference counter.

cbsthe LinphoneCoreCbs object
the same LinphoneCoreCbs object

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_account_added()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_account_added ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsAccountAddedCb  cb 

Sets the account added callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
cbThe account added callback to be used.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_account_registration_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_account_registration_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRegistrationStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the account registration state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
cbThe account registration state changed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_account_removed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_account_removed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsAccountRemovedCb  cb 

Sets the account removed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
cbThe new account removed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_audio_device_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_audio_device_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb  cb 

Sets the audio device changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_audio_devices_list_updated()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_audio_devices_list_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsAudioDevicesListUpdatedCb  cb 

Sets the audio devices list updated callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_authentication_requested()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_authentication_requested ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsAuthenticationRequestedCb callback.


cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_buddy_info_updated()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_buddy_info_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsBuddyInfoUpdatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_created()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_created ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallCreatedCb  cb 

Set the call created callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
cbThe call created callback to be used.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_encryption_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_encryption_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallEncryptionChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_goclear_ack_sent()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_goclear_ack_sent ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallGoClearAckSentCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_id_updated()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_id_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallIdUpdatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_log_updated()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_log_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallLogUpdatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_receive_master_key_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_receive_master_key_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_send_master_key_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_send_master_key_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallSendMasterKeyChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_call_stats_updated()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_call_stats_updated ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsCallStatsUpdatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_ephemeral_message_deleted()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_ephemeral_message_deleted ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomEphemeralMessageDeleteCb  cb 

Set the chat room ephemeral message deleted callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_exhumed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_exhumed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomExhumedCb  cb 

Sets a callback to call when a chat room is exhumed.

Internal use only!

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_read()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_read ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomReadCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_session_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_session_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSessionStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the chat room state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_subject_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_chat_room_subject_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomSubjectChangedCb  cb 

Set the chat room subject changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_conference_info_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_conference_info_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceInfoReceivedCb  cb 

Set the conference info received callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
cbThe conference info received callback to be used.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_conference_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_conference_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsConferenceStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the conference state changed callback.

[in]cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
[in]cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_configuring_status()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_configuring_status ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsConfiguringStatusCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_default_account_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_default_account_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsDefaultAccountChangedCb  cb 

Sets the default account changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
cbThe default account changed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_dtmf_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_dtmf_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsDtmfReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_init()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_init ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioInitCb  cb 

Sets a callback to call when the echo-canceler calibrator has completed its audio graph.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_uninit()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_uninit ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioUninitCb  cb 

Sets a callback to call when the echo-canceler calibrator destroys its audio graph.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_result()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_result ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationResultCb  cb 

Sets a callback to call each time the echo-canceler calibration is completed.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_first_call_started()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_first_call_started ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsFirstCallStartedCb  cb 

Sets the first call started callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_friend_list_created()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_friend_list_created ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListCreatedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_friend_list_removed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_friend_list_removed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsFriendListRemovedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_global_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_global_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsGlobalStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreGlobalStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_imee_user_registration()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_imee_user_registration ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsImeeUserRegistrationCb  cb 

Set the IMEE user registration callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_info_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_info_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsInfoReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_is_composing_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_is_composing_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsIsComposingReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_last_call_ended()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_last_call_ended ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsLastCallEndedCb  cb 

Sets the last call ended callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_log_collection_upload_progress_indication()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_log_collection_upload_progress_indication ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadProgressIndicationCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_log_collection_upload_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_log_collection_upload_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsLogCollectionUploadStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_message_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_message_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_message_received_unable_decrypt()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_message_received_unable_decrypt ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageReceivedUnableDecryptCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_message_sent()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_message_sent ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsMessageSentCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_messages_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_messages_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsMessagesReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_network_reachable()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_network_reachable ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNetworkReachableCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_new_message_reaction()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_new_message_reaction ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNewMessageReactionCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_new_subscription_requested()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_new_subscription_requested ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNewSubscriptionRequestedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_presence_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_presence_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyPresenceReceivedForUriOrTelCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifyReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_sent()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_notify_sent ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsNotifySentCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsNotifySentCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_preview_display_error_occurred()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_preview_display_error_occurred ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsPreviewDisplayErrorOccurredCb  cb 

Set the rendering not working callback for preview.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_publish_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_publish_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsPublishReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsPublishReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_publish_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_publish_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsPublishStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsPublishStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_push_notification_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_push_notification_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsPushNotificationReceivedCb  cb 

Set the push notification received callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object.
cbThe push notification received callback to be used.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_qrcode_found()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_qrcode_found ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsQrcodeFoundCb  cb 

Set the qrcode found callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_reaction_removed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_reaction_removed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsReactionRemovedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_refer_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_refer_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsReferReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_registration_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_registration_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb  cb 

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_subscribe_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_subscribe_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsSubscribeReceivedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsSubscribeReceivedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_subscription_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_subscription_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsSubscriptionStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsSubscriptionStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_transfer_state_changed()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_transfer_state_changed ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the LinphoneCoreCbsTransferStateChangedCb callback.

cbsA LinphoneCoreCbs.
cbThe callback.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Set private data to be get from each callbacks.

cbsthe LinphoneCoreCbs object
user_datathe user data pointer.

◆ linphone_core_cbs_set_version_update_check_result_received()

void linphone_core_cbs_set_version_update_check_result_received ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneCoreCbsVersionUpdateCheckResultReceivedCb  cb 

Set the version update check result callback.

cbsLinphoneCoreCbs object
cbThe callback to use

◆ linphone_core_cbs_unref()

void linphone_core_cbs_unref ( LinphoneCoreCbs cbs)

Decrement the reference counter.

cbsthe LinphoneCoreCbs object

◆ linphone_core_clear_provisioning_headers()

void linphone_core_clear_provisioning_headers ( LinphoneCore core)

Clear all headers that were added with linphone_core_add_provisioning_header().

corethe LinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_compress_log_collection()

char* linphone_core_compress_log_collection ( void  )

Compress the log collection in a single file.

The path of the compressed log collection file (to be freed calling ms_free()).

◆ linphone_core_conference_ics_in_message_body_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_conference_ics_in_message_body_enabled ( const LinphoneCore core)

Gets wether conference invitations will be sent in the chat message body or as a file attachment.

corethe LinphoneCore
TRUE if ICS will be sent in the message body (by default), FALSE if it will be sent as a file attachment.

◆ linphone_core_destroy()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_destroy ( LinphoneCore core)

Destroys a LinphoneCore.

coreLinphoneCore object
12/01/2017 Use linphone_core_unref() instead.

◆ linphone_core_enable_conference_ics_in_message_body()

void linphone_core_enable_conference_ics_in_message_body ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enable sending conference invitations in the chat message body instead of as a file attachment.

corethe LinphoneCore
enableTRUE to send ICS as message body, FALSE to send it as file transfer

◆ linphone_core_enable_log_collection()

void linphone_core_enable_log_collection ( LinphoneLogCollectionState  state)

Enable the linphone core log collection to upload logs on a server.

stateLinphoneLogCollectionState value telling whether to enable log collection or not.

◆ linphone_core_enable_zrtp_go_clear()

void linphone_core_enable_zrtp_go_clear ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enabled 

Define whether ZRTP go clear is enabled.

coreLinphoneCore object.
enableTRUE to enable ZRTP go clear; FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_core_get_call_logs_database_path()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_core_get_call_logs_database_path ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the database filename where call logs will be stored.

corethe linphone core
filesystem path.
07/12/2021: Use only for migration purposes

◆ linphone_core_get_current_callbacks()

LinphoneCoreCbs* linphone_core_get_current_callbacks ( const LinphoneCore core)

Gets the current LinphoneCoreCbs.

This is meant only to be called from a callback to be able to get the user_data associated with the LinphoneCoreCbs that is calling the callback.

corethe LinphoneCore
the LinphoneCoreCbs that has called the last callback

◆ linphone_core_get_current_vtable()

LinphoneCoreVTable* linphone_core_get_current_vtable ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the current VTable.

This is meant only to be called from a callback to be able to get the user_data associated with the vtable that called the callback.

corethe linphonecore
the vtable that called the last callback

◆ linphone_core_get_friends_database_path()

const char* linphone_core_get_friends_database_path ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the database filename where friends will be stored.

corethe linphone core
filesystem path.

◆ linphone_core_get_label()

const char* linphone_core_get_label ( const LinphoneCore core)

Get the label assigned to the LinphoneCore.

The default value is NULL (no label).

corethe LinphoneCore
the assigned label.

◆ linphone_core_get_linphone_specs()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_core_get_linphone_specs ( const LinphoneCore core)

Get the linphone specs value telling what functionalities the linphone client supports.

coreLinphoneCore object
The linphone specs telling what functionalities the linphone client supports
07/02/2019 Use linphone_core_get_linphone_specs_list instead.

◆ linphone_core_get_linphone_specs_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_core_get_linphone_specs_list ( LinphoneCore core)

Get the list of linphone specs string values representing what functionalities the linphone client supports.

coreLinphoneCore object
A list of supported specs. The list must be freed with bctbx_list_free() after usage.

◆ linphone_core_get_log_collection_max_file_size()

size_t linphone_core_get_log_collection_max_file_size ( void  )

Get the max file size in bytes of the files used for log collection.

The max file size in bytes of the files used for log collection.

◆ linphone_core_get_log_collection_path()

const char* linphone_core_get_log_collection_path ( void  )

Get the path where the log files will be written for log collection.

The path where the log files will be written.

◆ linphone_core_get_log_collection_prefix()

const char* linphone_core_get_log_collection_prefix ( void  )

Get the prefix of the filenames that will be used for log collection.

The prefix of the filenames used for log collection.

◆ linphone_core_get_log_collection_upload_server_url()

const char* linphone_core_get_log_collection_upload_server_url ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the url of the server where to upload the collected log files.

coreLinphoneCore object
The url of the server where to upload the collected log files.

◆ linphone_core_get_max_calls()

int linphone_core_get_max_calls ( LinphoneCore core)

Get the maximum number of simultaneous calls Linphone core can manage at a time.

All new call above this limit are declined with a busy answer

max number of simultaneous calls

◆ linphone_core_get_provisioning_uri()

const char* linphone_core_get_provisioning_uri ( const LinphoneCore core)

Get provisioning URI.

corethe LinphoneCore object
the provisioning URI.

◆ linphone_core_get_root_ca()

const char* linphone_core_get_root_ca ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the path to a file or folder containing the trusted root CAs (PEM format)

coreLinphoneCore object
The path to a file or folder containing the trusted root CAs.

◆ linphone_core_get_srtp_crypto_suites()

const char* linphone_core_get_srtp_crypto_suites ( LinphoneCore core)

Get the crypto suites available to the core.

a comma separated list of supported suites

◆ linphone_core_get_user_agent()

const char* linphone_core_get_user_agent ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the user-agent as a string.

liblinphone's user agent as a string.

◆ linphone_core_get_user_certificates_path()

const char* linphone_core_get_user_certificates_path ( LinphoneCore core)

Get the path to the directory storing the user's certificates.

coreLinphoneCore object.
The path to the directory storing the user's certificates.

◆ linphone_core_get_user_data()

void* linphone_core_get_user_data ( const LinphoneCore core)

Retrieves the user pointer that was given to linphone_core_new()

coreLinphoneCore object
The user data associated with the LinphoneCore object.

◆ linphone_core_get_version()

const char* linphone_core_get_version ( void  )

Returns liblinphone's version as a string.

the current version of the LinphoneCore

◆ linphone_core_get_zrtp_cache_db()

MS2_DEPRECATED void* linphone_core_get_zrtp_cache_db ( LinphoneCore core)

Get a pointer to the sqlite db holding zrtp/lime cache.

coreLinphoneCore object.
An sqlite3 pointer cast to a void one or NULL if cache is not available(not enabled at compile or access failed)

◆ linphone_core_get_zrtp_secrets_file()

const char* linphone_core_get_zrtp_secrets_file ( LinphoneCore core)

Get the path to the file storing the zrtp secrets cache.

coreLinphoneCore object.
The path to the file storing the zrtp secrets cache.

◆ linphone_core_is_in_background()

bool_t linphone_core_is_in_background ( const LinphoneCore lc)

Gets whether the Core is considering itself in background or not.

The Core foreground/background state depends on the last call made to linphone_core_enter_background() or linphone_core_enter_foreground().

TRUE if the Core is in background, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_core_is_verify_server_certificates()

bool_t linphone_core_is_verify_server_certificates ( LinphoneCore core)

Get whether the tls server certificate must be verified when connecting to a SIP/TLS server.

coreLinphoneCore object
True if the tls server certificate must be verified

◆ linphone_core_is_verify_server_cn()

bool_t linphone_core_is_verify_server_cn ( LinphoneCore core)

Get whether the tls server certificate common name must be verified when connecting to a SIP/TLS server.

coreLinphoneCore object
True if the tls server certificate common name must be verified

◆ linphone_core_iterate()

void linphone_core_iterate ( LinphoneCore core)

Main loop function.

It is crucial that your application call it periodically.

linphone_core_iterate() performs various backgrounds tasks:

  • receiving of SIP messages
  • handles timers and timeout
  • performs registration to proxies
  • authentication retries The application MUST call this function periodically, in its main loop. Be careful that this function must be called from the same thread as other liblinphone methods. If it is not the case make sure all liblinphone calls are serialized with a mutex. For ICE to work properly it should be called every 20ms.
    coreLinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_log_collection_enabled()

LinphoneLogCollectionState linphone_core_log_collection_enabled ( void  )

Tells whether the linphone core log collection is enabled.

The LinphoneLogCollectionState of the LinphoneCore log collection.

◆ linphone_core_media_encryption_supported()

bool_t linphone_core_media_encryption_supported ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneMediaEncryption  menc 

Check if a media encryption type is supported.

whether a media encryption scheme is supported by the LinphoneCore engine

◆ linphone_core_migrate_logs_from_rc_to_db()

void linphone_core_migrate_logs_from_rc_to_db ( LinphoneCore core)

Migrates the call logs from the linphonerc to the database if not done yet.

corethe linphone core

◆ linphone_core_migrate_to_multi_transport()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_migrate_to_multi_transport ( LinphoneCore core)

Migrate configuration so that all SIP transports are enabled.

Versions of linphone < 3.7 did not support using multiple SIP transport simultaneously. This function helps application to migrate the configuration so that all transports are enabled. Existing proxy configuration are added a transport parameter so that they continue using the unique transport that was set previously. This function must be used just after creating the core, before any call to linphone_core_iterate()

corethe LinphoneCore object
1 if migration was done, 0 if not done because unnecessary or already done, -1 in case of error.

◆ linphone_core_new()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCore* linphone_core_new ( const LinphoneCoreVTable vtable,
const char *  config_path,
const char *  factory_config_path,
void *  userdata 

Instanciates a LinphoneCore object.

The LinphoneCore object is the primary handle for doing all phone actions. It should be unique within your application.

vtablea LinphoneCoreVTable structure holding your application callbacks
config_patha path to a config file. If it does not exists it will be created. The config file is used to store all settings, call logs, friends, proxies... so that all these settings become persistent over the life of the LinphoneCore object. It is allowed to set a NULL config file. In that case LinphoneCore will not store any settings.
factory_config_patha path to a read-only config file that can be used to to store hard-coded preference such as proxy settings or internal preferences. The settings in this factory file always override the one in the normal config file. It is OPTIONAL, use NULL if unneeded.
userdataan opaque user pointer that can be retrieved at any time (for example in callbacks) using linphone_core_get_user_data().
See also
12/01/2017 Use linphone_factory_create_core() instead.

◆ linphone_core_new_with_config()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCore* linphone_core_new_with_config ( const LinphoneCoreVTable vtable,
LinphoneConfig config,
void *  userdata 

Instantiates a LinphoneCore object with a given LpConfig.

The LinphoneCore object is the primary handle for doing all phone actions. It should be unique within your application.

vtablea LinphoneCoreVTable structure holding your application callbacks
configa pointer to an LpConfig object holding the configuration of the LinphoneCore to be instantiated.
userdataan opaque user pointer that can be retrieved at any time (for example in callbacks) using linphone_core_get_user_data().
See also
12/01/2017 Use linphone_factory_create_core_with_config() instead.

◆ linphone_core_ref()

LinphoneCore* linphone_core_ref ( LinphoneCore core)

Increment the reference counter of a LinphoneCore object.

coreThe LinphoneCore which the ref counter is to be incremented.
A pointer on the LinphoneCore passed as parameter.

◆ linphone_core_reload_ms_plugins()

void linphone_core_reload_ms_plugins ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  path 

Reload mediastreamer2 plugins from specified directory.

coreLinphoneCore object.
paththe path from where plugins are to be loaded, pass NULL to use default (compile-time determined) plugin directory.

◆ linphone_core_remove_callbacks()

void linphone_core_remove_callbacks ( LinphoneCore core,
const LinphoneCoreCbs cbs 

Remove a listener from a LinphoneCore.

coreThe LinphoneCore
cbsThe pointer on the LinphoneCoreCbs to remove.

◆ linphone_core_remove_linphone_spec()

void linphone_core_remove_linphone_spec ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  spec 

Remove the given linphone specs from the list of functionalities the linphone client supports.

coreLinphoneCore object
specThe spec to remove

◆ linphone_core_remove_listener()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_remove_listener ( LinphoneCore core,
const LinphoneCoreVTable vtable 

remove a listener registred by linphone_core_add_listener.

vtablea LinphoneCoreVTable structure holding your application callbacks.
12/01/2017 Use linphone_core_remove_callbacks() instead.

◆ linphone_core_remove_supported_tag()

void linphone_core_remove_supported_tag ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  tag 

Remove a supported tag.

coreLinphoneCore object
tagThe tag to remove
See also

◆ linphone_core_serialize_logs()

void linphone_core_serialize_logs ( void  )

Enable logs serialization (output logs from either the thread that creates the linphone core or the thread that calls linphone_core_iterate()).

Must be called before creating the linphone core.

◆ linphone_core_set_call_logs_database_path()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_set_call_logs_database_path ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  path 

Sets the database filename where call logs will be stored.

If the file does not exist, it will be created.

corethe linphone core
pathfilesystem path
07/12/2021: Use only for migration purposes

◆ linphone_core_set_friends_database_path()

void linphone_core_set_friends_database_path ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  path 

Sets the database filename where friends will be stored.

If the file does not exist, it will be created.

corethe linphone core
pathfilesystem path.

◆ linphone_core_set_label()

void linphone_core_set_label ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  label 

Set a label - for logging/troubleshooting purpose - to the core object.

This label is used by the logger to give context. When running an application with several LinphoneCore objects, (such as a test), it is useful to enhance the log's readability'.

corethe LinphoneCore
labela developper-friendly label.

◆ linphone_core_set_linphone_specs()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_set_linphone_specs ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  specs 

Set the linphone specs value telling what functionalities the linphone client supports.

coreLinphoneCore object
specsThe linphone specs to set
07/02/2019 Use linphone_core_set_linphone_specs_list or linphone_core_add_linphone_spec instead.

◆ linphone_core_set_linphone_specs_list()

void linphone_core_set_linphone_specs_list ( LinphoneCore core,
const bctbx_list_t *  specs 

Set the linphone specs list value telling what functionalities the linphone client supports.

coreLinphoneCore object
specsThe list of string specs to set.

◆ linphone_core_set_log_collection_max_file_size()

void linphone_core_set_log_collection_max_file_size ( size_t  size)

Set the max file size in bytes of the files used for log collection.

Warning: this function should only not be used to change size dynamically but instead only before calling linphone_core_enable_log_collection(). If you increase max size on runtime, logs chronological order COULD be broken.

sizeThe max file size in bytes of the files used for log collection.

◆ linphone_core_set_log_collection_path()

void linphone_core_set_log_collection_path ( const char *  path)

Set the path of a directory where the log files will be written for log collection.

When log collection is enabled, the function will close the file with the current prefix in the old path and it will open the new file with current prefix in the new path. If you need to change the path and the file at the same time, then you should deactivate log collection with linphone_core_enable_log_collection() before doing modifications.

pathThe path where the log files will be written.

◆ linphone_core_set_log_collection_prefix()

void linphone_core_set_log_collection_prefix ( const char *  prefix)

Set the prefix of the filenames that will be used for log collection.

When log collection is enabled, the function will close the old file and it will open the new one in the current path. If you need to change the path and the file at the same time, then you should deactivate log collection with linphone_core_enable_log_collection() before doing modifications.

prefixThe prefix to use for the filenames for log collection.

◆ linphone_core_set_log_collection_upload_server_url()

void linphone_core_set_log_collection_upload_server_url ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  server_url 

Set the url of the server where to upload the collected log files.

coreLinphoneCore object
server_urlThe url of the server where to upload the collected log files.

◆ linphone_core_set_max_calls()

void linphone_core_set_max_calls ( LinphoneCore core,
int  max 

Set the maximum number of simultaneous calls Linphone core can manage at a time.

All new call above this limit are declined with a busy answer

maxnumber of simultaneous calls

◆ linphone_core_set_provisioning_uri()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_set_provisioning_uri ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  uri 

Set URI where to download xml configuration file at startup.

This can also be set from configuration file or factory config file, from [misc] section, item "config-uri". Calling this function does not load the configuration. It will write the value into configuration so that configuration from remote URI will take place at next LinphoneCore start.

corethe LinphoneCore object
urithe http or https uri to use in order to download the configuration. Passing NULL will disable remote provisioning.
-1 if uri could not be parsed, 0 otherwise. Note that this does not check validity of URI endpoint nor scheme and download may still fail.

◆ linphone_core_set_root_ca()

void linphone_core_set_root_ca ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  path 

Sets the path to a file or folder containing trusted root CAs (PEM format)

coreLinphoneCore object
pathThe path to a file or folder containing trusted root CAs.

◆ linphone_core_set_root_ca_data()

void linphone_core_set_root_ca_data ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  data 

Sets the trusted root CAs (PEM format)

coreLinphoneCore object
dataThe trusted root CAs as a string

◆ linphone_core_set_srtp_crypto_suites()

void linphone_core_set_srtp_crypto_suites ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  suites 

Set the crypto suites available to the core.

suitescomma separated list of supported suites

◆ linphone_core_set_ssl_config()

void linphone_core_set_ssl_config ( LinphoneCore core,
void *  ssl_config 

Set the pointer to an externally provided ssl configuration for the crypto library

coreLinphoneCore object
ssl_configA pointer to an opaque structure which will be provided directly to the crypto library used in bctoolbox. Use with extra care. This ssl_config structure is responsibility of the caller and will not be freed at the connection's end.

◆ linphone_core_set_supported_tag()

void linphone_core_set_supported_tag ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  tags 

Set the supported tags.

coreLinphoneCore object
tagThe feature tags to set

◆ linphone_core_set_user_certificates_path()

void linphone_core_set_user_certificates_path ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  path 

Set the path to the directory storing the user's x509 certificates (used by dtls)

coreLinphoneCore object
pathThe path to the directory to use to store the user's certificates.

◆ linphone_core_set_user_data()

void linphone_core_set_user_data ( LinphoneCore core,
void *  user_data 

Associate a user pointer to the linphone core.

coreLinphoneCore object
user_dataThe user data to associate with the LinphoneCore object.

◆ linphone_core_set_zrtp_secrets_file()

void linphone_core_set_zrtp_secrets_file ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  file 

Set the path to the file storing the zrtp secrets cache.

coreLinphoneCore object
fileThe path to the file to use to store the zrtp secrets cache.

◆ linphone_core_start()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_start ( LinphoneCore core)

Start a LinphoneCore object after it has been instantiated and not automatically started.

Also re-initialize a LinphoneCore object that has been stopped using linphone_core_stop(). Must be called only if LinphoneGlobalState is either Ready of Off. State will changed to Startup, Configuring and then On.

coreThe LinphoneCore object to be started
0: success, -1: global failure, -2: could not connect database

◆ linphone_core_stop()

void linphone_core_stop ( LinphoneCore core)

Stop a LinphoneCore object after it has been instantiated and started.

If stopped, it can be started again using linphone_core_start(). Must be called only if LinphoneGlobalState is either On. State will changed to Shutdown and then Off.

coreThe LinphoneCore object to be stopped

◆ linphone_core_stop_async()

void linphone_core_stop_async ( LinphoneCore core)

Stop asynchronously a LinphoneCore object after it has been instantiated and started.

State changes to Shutdown then linphone_core_iterate() must be called to allow the Core to end asynchronous tasks (terminate call, etc.). When all tasks are finished, State will change to Off. Must be called only if LinphoneGlobalState is On. When LinphoneGlobalState is Off LinphoneCore can be started again using linphone_core_start().

coreThe LinphoneCore object to be stopped

◆ linphone_core_unref()

void linphone_core_unref ( LinphoneCore core)

Decrement the ref counter of a LinphoneCore object and destroy it if the counter reach 0.

coreThe LinphoneCore which the reference counter is to be decreased.

◆ linphone_core_upload_log_collection()

void linphone_core_upload_log_collection ( LinphoneCore core)

Upload the log collection to the configured server url.

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_v_table_destroy()

void linphone_core_v_table_destroy ( LinphoneCoreVTable table)

Destroy a vtable.

tableto be destroyed.

◆ linphone_core_v_table_get_user_data()

void* linphone_core_v_table_get_user_data ( const LinphoneCoreVTable table)

Gets a user data pointer in the vtable.

tablethe vtable.
the data attached to the vtable.

◆ linphone_core_v_table_new()

LinphoneCoreVTable* linphone_core_v_table_new ( void  )

Instantiate a vtable with all arguments set to NULL.

newly allocated vtable.

◆ linphone_core_v_table_set_user_data()

void linphone_core_v_table_set_user_data ( LinphoneCoreVTable table,
void *  data 

Sets a user data pointer in the vtable.

tablethe vtable.
datathe user data to attach.

◆ linphone_core_verify_server_certificates()

void linphone_core_verify_server_certificates ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  yesno 

Specify whether the tls server certificate must be verified when connecting to a SIP/TLS server.

coreLinphoneCore object
yesnoA boolean value telling whether the tls server certificate must be verified

◆ linphone_core_verify_server_cn()

void linphone_core_verify_server_cn ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  yesno 

Specify whether the tls server certificate common name must be verified when connecting to a SIP/TLS server.

coreLinphoneCore object
yesnoA boolean value telling whether the tls server certificate common name must be verified

◆ linphone_core_zrtp_go_clear_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_zrtp_go_clear_enabled ( const LinphoneCore core)

Check if the ZRTP go clear is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object.
TRUE if ZTRP go clear is enabled; FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_factory_clean()

void linphone_factory_clean ( void  )

Clean the factory.

This function is generally useless as the factory is unique per process, however calling this function at the end avoid getting reports from belle-sip leak detector about memory leaked in linphone_factory_get().

◆ linphone_factory_compute_ha1_for_algorithm()

char* linphone_factory_compute_ha1_for_algorithm ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  userid,
const char *  password,
const char *  realm,
const char *  algorithm 

Computes the hashed version of the password given the user ID and the realm, using given algorithm.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
useridthe username or user ID to use.
passwordthe password to hash.
realmthe real to use.
algorithmthe algorithm to use (MD5 or SHA-256).
the generated hash if it succeeded, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_factory_create_account_cbs()

LinphoneAccountCbs* linphone_factory_create_account_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneAccountCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneAccountCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_account_creator_cbs()

LinphoneAccountCreatorCbs* linphone_factory_create_account_creator_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneAccountCreatorCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneAccountCreatorCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_address()

LinphoneAddress* linphone_factory_create_address ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  addr 

Parse a string holding a SIP URI and create the according LinphoneAddress object.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
addrA string holding the SIP URI to parse.
A new LinphoneAddress.

◆ linphone_factory_create_alert_cbs()

LinphoneAlertCbs* linphone_factory_create_alert_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneAlertCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneAlertCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_auth_info()

LinphoneAuthInfo* linphone_factory_create_auth_info ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  username,
const char *  userid,
const char *  passwd,
const char *  ha1,
const char *  realm,
const char *  domain 

Creates a LinphoneAuthInfo object.

The object can be created empty, that is with all arguments set to NULL. Username, userid, password, realm and domain can be set later using specific methods. At the end, username and passwd (or ha1) are required.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
usernameThe username that needs to be authenticated
useridThe userid used for authenticating (use NULL if you don't know what it is)
passwdThe password in clear text
ha1The ha1-encrypted password if password is not given in clear text.
realmThe authentication domain (which can be larger than the sip domain. Unfortunately many SIP servers don't use this parameter.
domainThe SIP domain for which this authentication information is valid, if it has to be restricted for a single SIP domain.
A LinphoneAuthInfo object. linphone_auth_info_destroy() must be used to destroy it when no longer needed. The LinphoneCore makes a copy of LinphoneAuthInfo passed through linphone_core_add_auth_info().

◆ linphone_factory_create_auth_info_2()

LinphoneAuthInfo* linphone_factory_create_auth_info_2 ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  username,
const char *  userid,
const char *  passwd,
const char *  ha1,
const char *  realm,
const char *  domain,
const char *  algorithm 

Creates a LinphoneAuthInfo object.

The object can be created empty, that is with all arguments set to NULL. Username, userid, password, realm and domain can be set later using specific methods. At the end, username and passwd (or ha1) are required.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
usernameThe username that needs to be authenticated
useridThe userid used for authenticating (use NULL if you don't know what it is)
passwdThe password in clear text
ha1The ha1-encrypted password if password is not given in clear text.
realmThe authentication domain (which can be larger than the sip domain. Unfortunately many SIP servers don't use this parameter.
domainThe SIP domain for which this authentication information is valid, if it has to be restricted for a single SIP domain.
algorithmThe algorithm for encrypting password.
A LinphoneAuthInfo object. linphone_auth_info_destroy() must be used to destroy it when no longer needed. The LinphoneCore makes a copy of LinphoneAuthInfo passed through linphone_core_add_auth_info().

◆ linphone_factory_create_buffer()

LinphoneBuffer* linphone_factory_create_buffer ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneBuffer.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneBuffer

◆ linphone_factory_create_buffer_from_data()

LinphoneBuffer* linphone_factory_create_buffer_from_data ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const uint8_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Creates an object LinphoneBuffer.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
datathe data to set in the buffer
sizethe size of the data
a LinphoneBuffer

◆ linphone_factory_create_buffer_from_string()

LinphoneBuffer* linphone_factory_create_buffer_from_string ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  data 

Creates an object LinphoneBuffer.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
datathe data to set in the buffer
a LinphoneBuffer

◆ linphone_factory_create_call_cbs()

LinphoneCallCbs* linphone_factory_create_call_cbs ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Create a LinphoneCallCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a call.

factoryLinphoneFactory singletion object
A new LinphoneCallCbs object

◆ linphone_factory_create_chat_message_cbs()

LinphoneChatMessageCbs* linphone_factory_create_chat_message_cbs ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Create a LinphoneChatMessageCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a chat message.

factoryLinphoneFactory singletion object
A new LinphoneChatMessageCbs object

◆ linphone_factory_create_chat_room_cbs()

LinphoneChatRoomCbs* linphone_factory_create_chat_room_cbs ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Create a LinphoneChatRoomCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a chat room.

factoryLinphoneFactory singletion object
A new LinphoneChatRoomCbs object

◆ linphone_factory_create_conference_cbs()

LinphoneConferenceCbs* linphone_factory_create_conference_cbs ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Create a LinphoneConferenceCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a conference.

[in]factoryLinphoneFactory singletion object
A new LinphoneConferenceCbs object

◆ linphone_factory_create_conference_info()

LinphoneConferenceInfo* linphone_factory_create_conference_info ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneConferenceInfo.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneConferenceInfo

◆ linphone_factory_create_conference_info_from_icalendar_content()

LinphoneConferenceInfo* linphone_factory_create_conference_info_from_icalendar_content ( LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneContent content 

Creates an object LinphoneConferenceInfo from an Icalendar LinphoneContent.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
contentthe Icalendar LinphoneContent
a LinphoneConferenceInfo created from an Icalendar LinphoneContent

◆ linphone_factory_create_conference_scheduler_cbs()

LinphoneConferenceSchedulerCbs* linphone_factory_create_conference_scheduler_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneConferenceSchedulerCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneConferenceSchedulerCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_config()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_factory_create_config ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Creates an object LinphoneConfig.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
paththe path of the config
a LinphoneConfig

◆ linphone_factory_create_config_from_string()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_factory_create_config_from_string ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  data 

Creates an object LinphoneConfig.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
datathe config data
a LinphoneConfig

◆ linphone_factory_create_config_with_factory()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_factory_create_config_with_factory ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path,
const char *  factory_path 

Creates an object LinphoneConfig.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
paththe path of the config
factory_paththe path of the factory
a LinphoneConfig

◆ linphone_factory_create_content()

LinphoneContent* linphone_factory_create_content ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneContent.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneContent

◆ linphone_factory_create_content_from_file()

LinphoneContent* linphone_factory_create_content_from_file ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  file_path 

Creates a file object of LinphoneContent from a file path.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
file_paththe path of the file
a LinphoneContent which can be used as a file

◆ linphone_factory_create_core()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCore* linphone_factory_create_core ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
const char *  config_path,
const char *  factory_config_path 

Instanciate a LinphoneCore object.

The LinphoneCore object is the primary handle for doing all phone actions. It should be unique within your application.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
cbsa LinphoneCoreCbs object holding your application callbacks. A reference will be taken on it until the destruciton of the core or the unregistration with linphone_core_remove_cbs().
config_patha path to a config file. If it does not exists it will be created. The config file is used to store all settings, call logs, friends, proxies... so that all these settings become persistent over the life of the LinphoneCore object. It is allowed to set a NULL config file. In that case LinphoneCore will not store any settings.
factory_config_patha path to a read-only config file that can be used to to store hard-coded preference such as proxy settings or internal preferences. The settings in this factory file always override the one in the normal config file. It is OPTIONAL, use NULL if unneeded.
See also
2018-01-10: Use linphone_factory_create_core_3() instead

◆ linphone_factory_create_core_2()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCore* linphone_factory_create_core_2 ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
const char *  config_path,
const char *  factory_config_path,
void *  user_data,
void *  system_context 

Instanciate a LinphoneCore object.

The LinphoneCore object is the primary handle for doing all phone actions. It should be unique within your application.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
cbsa LinphoneCoreCbs object holding your application callbacks. A reference will be taken on it until the destruciton of the core or the unregistration with linphone_core_remove_cbs().
config_patha path to a config file. If it does not exists it will be created. The config file is used to store all settings, call logs, friends, proxies... so that all these settings become persistent over the life of the LinphoneCore object. It is allowed to set a NULL config file. In that case LinphoneCore will not store any settings.
factory_config_patha path to a read-only config file that can be used to to store hard-coded preference such as proxy settings or internal preferences. The settings in this factory file always override the one in the normal config file. It is OPTIONAL, use NULL if unneeded.
user_dataan application pointer associated with the returned core.
system_contexta pointer to a system object required by the core to operate. Currently it is required to pass an android Context on android, pass NULL on other platforms.
See also
2018-01-10: Use linphone_factory_create_core_3() instead

◆ linphone_factory_create_core_3()

LinphoneCore* linphone_factory_create_core_3 ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  config_path,
const char *  factory_config_path,
void *  system_context 

Instantiate a LinphoneCore object.

The LinphoneCore object is the primary handle for doing all phone actions. It should be unique within your application. The LinphoneCore object is not started automatically, you need to call linphone_core_start() to that effect. The returned LinphoneCore will be in LinphoneGlobalState Ready. Core ressources can be released using linphone_core_stop() which is strongly encouraged on garbage collected languages.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
config_pathA path to a config file. If it does not exists it will be created. The config file is used to store all settings, proxies... so that all these settings become persistent over the life of the LinphoneCore object. It is allowed to set a NULL config file. In that case LinphoneCore will not store any settings.
factory_config_pathA path to a read-only config file that can be used to store hard-coded preferences such as proxy settings or internal preferences. The settings in this factory file always override the ones in the normal config file. It is optional, use NULL if unneeded.
system_contextA pointer to a system object required by the core to operate. Currently it is required to pass an android Context on android, pass NULL on other platforms.
a LinphoneCore object
See also

◆ linphone_factory_create_core_cbs()

LinphoneCoreCbs* linphone_factory_create_core_cbs ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Instanciate a LinphoneCoreCbs object.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
a new LinphoneCoreCbs.

◆ linphone_factory_create_core_with_config()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCore* linphone_factory_create_core_with_config ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneConfig config 

Instantiates a LinphoneCore object with a given LpConfig.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton. The LinphoneCore object is the primary handle for doing all phone actions. It should be unique within your application.
cbsa LinphoneCoreCbs object holding your application callbacks. A reference will be taken on it until the destruciton of the core or the unregistration with linphone_core_remove_cbs().
configa pointer to an LpConfig object holding the configuration of the LinphoneCore to be instantiated.
See also
2018-01-10: Use linphone_factory_create_core_with_config_3() instead

◆ linphone_factory_create_core_with_config_2()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCore* linphone_factory_create_core_with_config_2 ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneCoreCbs cbs,
LinphoneConfig config,
void *  user_data,
void *  system_context 

Instantiates a LinphoneCore object with a given LpConfig.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton. The LinphoneCore object is the primary handle for doing all phone actions. It should be unique within your application.
cbsa LinphoneCoreCbs object holding your application callbacks. A reference will be taken on it until the destruciton of the core or the unregistration with linphone_core_remove_cbs().
configa pointer to an LpConfig object holding the configuration of the LinphoneCore to be instantiated.
user_dataan application pointer associated with the returned core.
system_contexta pointer to a system object required by the core to operate. Currently it is required to pass an android Context on android, pass NULL on other platforms.
See also
2018-01-10: Use linphone_factory_create_core_with_config_3() instead

◆ linphone_factory_create_core_with_config_3()

LinphoneCore* linphone_factory_create_core_with_config_3 ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneConfig config,
void *  system_context 

Instantiate a LinphoneCore object with a given LinphoneConfig.

The LinphoneCore object is the primary handle for doing all phone actions. It should be unique within your application. The LinphoneCore object is not started automatically, you need to call linphone_core_start() to that effect. The returned LinphoneCore will be in LinphoneGlobalState Ready. Core ressources can be released using linphone_core_stop() which is strongly encouraged on garbage collected languages.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
configA LinphoneConfig object holding the configuration for the LinphoneCore to be instantiated.
system_contextA pointer to a system object required by the core to operate. Currently it is required to pass an android Context on android, pass NULL on other platforms.
a LinphoneCore object
See also

◆ linphone_factory_create_digest_authentication_policy()

LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy* linphone_factory_create_digest_authentication_policy ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Create a LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy object.

The LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy object which is used to configure a policy for digest authentication, such as allowing MD5 or mode without qop=auth.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory
a new LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy .

◆ linphone_factory_create_error_info()

LinphoneErrorInfo* linphone_factory_create_error_info ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneErrorInfo.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

◆ linphone_factory_create_event_cbs()

LinphoneEventCbs* linphone_factory_create_event_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneEventCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneEventCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_friend_cbs()

LinphoneFriendCbs* linphone_factory_create_friend_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneFriendCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneFriendCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_friend_list_cbs()

LinphoneFriendListCbs* linphone_factory_create_friend_list_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneFriendListCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneFriendListCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_friend_phone_number()

LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber* linphone_factory_create_friend_phone_number ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  phone_number,
const char *  label 

Creates a new LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber objects.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory
phone_numberThe phone number.
labelthe type of phone number, for example "home", "cell", etc. Use NULL or empty for no label.
The newly created LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.

◆ linphone_factory_create_logging_service_cbs()

LinphoneLoggingServiceCbs* linphone_factory_create_logging_service_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneLoggingServiceCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneLoggingServiceCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_magic_search_cbs()

LinphoneMagicSearchCbs* linphone_factory_create_magic_search_cbs ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Create a LinphoneMagicSearchCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a chat message.

factoryLinphoneFactory singletion object
A new LinphoneMagicSearchCbs object

◆ linphone_factory_create_participant_device_cbs()

LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs* linphone_factory_create_participant_device_cbs ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Create a LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs object that holds callbacks for events happening on a participant device.

[in]factoryLinphoneFactory singletion object
A new LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs object

◆ linphone_factory_create_participant_device_identity()

LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity* linphone_factory_create_participant_device_identity ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const LinphoneAddress address,
const char *  name 

Create a LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
addressLinphoneAddress object.
namethe name given to the device.
A new LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity.

◆ linphone_factory_create_participant_info()

LinphoneParticipantInfo* linphone_factory_create_participant_info ( LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneAddress address 

Creates an object LinphoneConferenceInfo from an Icalendar LinphoneContent.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
addressthe LinphoneAddress of the participant
a LinphoneParticipantInfo

◆ linphone_factory_create_player_cbs()

LinphonePlayerCbs* linphone_factory_create_player_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphonePlayerCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphonePlayerCbs

◆ linphone_factory_create_qrcode()

LinphoneContent* linphone_factory_create_qrcode ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  code,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  margin 

Creates a Bitmap QRCode and return it into an object LinphoneContent.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
codeThe code to be generated into an image. It must not be empty.
widthThe requested width of the QRCode image. It will be 100 if 0.
heightThe requested height of the QRCode image. It will be 100 if 0.
marginThe requested margin of the QRCode image.
a LinphoneContent

◆ linphone_factory_create_range()

LinphoneRange* linphone_factory_create_range ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneRange.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
a LinphoneRange object.

◆ linphone_factory_create_shared_core()

LinphoneCore* linphone_factory_create_shared_core ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  config_filename,
const char *  factory_config_path,
void *  system_context,
const char *  app_group_id,
bool_t  main_core 

Instantiate a shared LinphoneCore object.

The shared LinphoneCore allow you to create several LinphoneCore with the same config. Two LinphoneCore can't run at the same time.

A shared LinphoneCore can be a "Main Core" or an "Executor Core". A "Main Core" automatically stops a running "Executor Core" when calling linphone_core_start() An "Executor Core" can't start unless no other LinphoneCore is started. It can be stopped by a "Main Core" and switch to LinphoneGlobalState Off at any time.

Shared Executor Core are used in iOS UNNotificationServiceExtension to receive new messages from push notifications. When the application is in background, its Shared Main Core is stopped.

The LinphoneCore object is not started automatically, you need to call linphone_core_start() to that effect. The returned LinphoneCore will be in LinphoneGlobalState Ready. Core ressources can be released using linphone_core_stop() which is strongly encouraged on garbage collected languages.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
config_filenameThe name of the config file. If it does not exists it will be created. Its path is computed using the app_group_id. The config file is used to store all settings, proxies... so that all these settings become persistent over the life of the LinphoneCore object. It is allowed to set a NULL config file. In that case LinphoneCore will not store any settings.
factory_config_pathA path to a read-only config file that can be used to store hard-coded preferences such as proxy settings or internal preferences. The settings in this factory file always override the ones in the normal config file. It is optional, use NULL if unneeded.
system_contextA pointer to a system object required by the core to operate. Currently it is required to pass an android Context on android, pass NULL on other platforms.
app_group_idName of iOS App Group that lead to the file system that is shared between an app and its app extensions.
main_coreIndicate if we want to create a "Main Core" or an "Executor Core".
a LinphoneCore object
See also

◆ linphone_factory_create_shared_core_with_config()

LinphoneCore* linphone_factory_create_shared_core_with_config ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneConfig config,
void *  system_context,
const char *  app_group_id,
bool_t  main_core 

Instantiate a shared LinphoneCore object.

The shared LinphoneCore allow you to create several LinphoneCore with the same config. Two LinphoneCore can't run at the same time.

A shared LinphoneCore can be a "Main Core" or an "Executor Core". A "Main Core" automatically stops a running "Executor Core" when calling linphone_core_start() An "Executor Core" can't start unless no other LinphoneCore is started. It can be stopped by a "Main Core" and switch to LinphoneGlobalState Off at any time.

Shared Executor Core are used in iOS UNNotificationServiceExtension to receive new messages from push notifications. When the application is in background, its Shared Main Core is stopped.

The LinphoneCore object is not started automatically, you need to call linphone_core_start() to that effect. The returned LinphoneCore will be in LinphoneGlobalState Ready. Core ressources can be released using linphone_core_stop() which is strongly encouraged on garbage collected languages.

factoryThe LinphoneFactory singleton.
configA LinphoneConfig object holding the configuration for the LinphoneCore to be instantiated.
system_contextA pointer to a system object required by the core to operate. Currently it is required to pass an android Context on android, pass NULL on other platforms.
app_group_idName of iOS App Group that lead to the file system that is shared between an app and its app extensions.
main_coreIndicate if we want to create a "Main Core" or an "Executor Core".
a LinphoneCore object
See also

◆ linphone_factory_create_signal_information()

LinphoneSignalInformation* linphone_factory_create_signal_information ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneSignalInformation.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneSignalInformation

◆ linphone_factory_create_transports()

LinphoneTransports* linphone_factory_create_transports ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneTransports.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
a LinphoneTransports object.

◆ linphone_factory_create_tunnel_config()

LinphoneTunnelConfig* linphone_factory_create_tunnel_config ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneTunnelConfig.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneTunnelConfig

◆ linphone_factory_create_vcard()

LinphoneVcard* linphone_factory_create_vcard ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Create an empty LinphoneVcard.

factoryLinphoneFactory singletion object
a new LinphoneVcard.

◆ linphone_factory_create_video_activation_policy()

LinphoneVideoActivationPolicy* linphone_factory_create_video_activation_policy ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneVideoActivationPolicy.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
LinphoneVideoActivationPolicy object.

◆ linphone_factory_create_video_definition()

LinphoneVideoDefinition* linphone_factory_create_video_definition ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 

Create a LinphoneVideoDefinition from a given width and height.

factoryLinphoneFactory singleton object
widthThe width of the created video definition
heightThe height of the created video definition
A new LinphoneVideoDefinition object

◆ linphone_factory_create_video_definition_from_name()

LinphoneVideoDefinition* linphone_factory_create_video_definition_from_name ( const LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  name 

Create a LinphoneVideoDefinition from a given standard definition name.

factoryLinphoneFactory singleton object
nameThe standard definition name of the video definition to create
A new LinphoneVideoDefinition object

◆ linphone_factory_create_video_source_descriptor()

LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor* linphone_factory_create_video_source_descriptor ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor

◆ linphone_factory_create_xml_rpc_request_cbs()

LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs* linphone_factory_create_xml_rpc_request_cbs ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Creates an object LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs

◆ linphone_factory_enable_log_collection()

void linphone_factory_enable_log_collection ( LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneLogCollectionState  state 

Enables or disables log collection.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
statethe LinphoneLogCollectionState for log collection

◆ linphone_factory_get()

LinphoneFactory* linphone_factory_get ( void  )

Create the LinphoneFactory if that has not been done and return a pointer on it.

A pointer on the LinphoneFactory

◆ linphone_factory_get_data_resources_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_data_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the directory where the data resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
The path to the directory where the data resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_get_dial_plans()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_factory_get_dial_plans ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Returns a bctbx_list_t of all DialPlans.

factorythe LinphoneFactory object
A list of LinphoneDialPlan

◆ linphone_factory_get_image_resources_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_image_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the directory where the image resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
The path to the directory where the image resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_get_liblinphone_plugins_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_liblinphone_plugins_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the directory where the liblinphone plugins are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
The path to the directory where the liblinphone plugins are located, or NULL if it has not been set.

◆ linphone_factory_get_msplugins_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_msplugins_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the directory where the mediastreamer2 plugins are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
The path to the directory where the mediastreamer2 plugins are located, or NULL if it has not been set.

◆ linphone_factory_get_recommended_video_definitions()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_factory_get_recommended_video_definitions ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the recommended list of standard video definitions.

This list is suitable for a widest set of hardware for all video codec implementations, and thus excludes some very high definition formats that are unlikely to work unless specific hardware or codecs are used.

factoryLinphoneFactory singleton object
A list of video definitions.

◆ linphone_factory_get_ring_resources_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_ring_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the directory where the ring resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
The path to the directory where the ring resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_get_sound_resources_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_sound_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the directory where the sound resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
The path to the directory where the sound resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_get_supported_video_definitions()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_factory_get_supported_video_definitions ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the list of standard video definitions supported by Linphone.

factoryLinphoneFactory singleton object
A list of video definitions.

◆ linphone_factory_get_top_resources_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_top_resources_dir ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Get the top directory where the resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
The path to the top directory where the resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_get_user_data()

void* linphone_factory_get_user_data ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Gets the user data in the LinphoneFactory object.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
the user data.

◆ linphone_factory_is_chatroom_backend_available()

bool_t linphone_factory_is_chatroom_backend_available ( LinphoneFactory factory,
LinphoneChatRoomBackend  chatroom_backend 

Indicates if the given LinphoneChatRoomBackend is available.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
chatroom_backendthe LinphoneChatRoomBackend
TRUE if the chatroom backend is available, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_factory_is_database_storage_available()

bool_t linphone_factory_is_database_storage_available ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Indicates if the storage in database is available.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
TRUE if the database storage is available, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_factory_is_imdn_available()

bool_t linphone_factory_is_imdn_available ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Indicates if IMDN are available.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
TRUE if IDMN are available

◆ linphone_factory_is_qrcode_available()

bool_t linphone_factory_is_qrcode_available ( LinphoneFactory factory)

Indicates if the QRCode feature is available.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
TRUE if QRCodes can be used

◆ linphone_factory_set_cache_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_cache_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the application local cache is located.

If the path is empty (default value), the path will be computed when calling linphone_factory_get_data_dir()

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path to the directory where the application local cache is located

◆ linphone_factory_set_config_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_config_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the configurations are located.

If the path is empty (default value), the path will be computed when calling linphone_factory_get_config_dir()

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path to the directory where the configurations are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_data_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_data_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the application local data are located.

If the path is empty (default value), the path will be computed when calling linphone_factory_get_data_dir()

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path to the directory where the application local data are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_data_resources_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_data_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the data resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path where the data resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_download_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_download_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where downloads are located.

If the path is empty (default value), the path will be computed when calling linphone_factory_get_download_dir()

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path to the directory where downloads are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_image_resources_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_image_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the image resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path where the image resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_liblinphone_plugins_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_liblinphone_plugins_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the liblinphone plugins are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path to the directory where the liblinphone plugins are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_log_collection_path()

void linphone_factory_set_log_collection_path ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Sets the log collection path.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
paththe path of the logs

◆ linphone_factory_set_msplugins_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_msplugins_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the mediastreamer2 plugins are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path to the directory where the mediastreamer2 plugins are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_ring_resources_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_ring_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the ring resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path where the ring resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_sound_resources_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_sound_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the directory where the sound resources are located.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path where the sound resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_top_resources_dir()

void linphone_factory_set_top_resources_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  path 

Set the top directory where the resources are located.

If you only define this top directory, the other resources directory will automatically be derived form this one.

factoryLinphoneFactory object
pathThe path to the top directory where the resources are located

◆ linphone_factory_set_user_data()

void linphone_factory_set_user_data ( LinphoneFactory factory,
void *  data 

Sets the user data in the LinphoneFactory object.

factorythe LinphoneFactory object
datathe user data.

◆ linphone_factory_set_vfs_encryption()

void linphone_factory_set_vfs_encryption ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const uint16_t  encryptionModule,
const uint8_t *  secret,
const size_t  secretSize 

Select encryption module and set secret material to encrypt the files.

[in]factorythe LinphoneFactory
[in]encryptionModuleOne of the available encryption module for VFS, pick in the LINPHONE_VFS_ENCRYPTION_* list if set to _UNSET, default bctoolbox VFS is switch to Standard one
[in]secretthe secret material used to encrypt the files, can be NULL for the _PLAIN module
[in]secretSizesize of the secret

◆ linphone_factory_write_qrcode_file()

int linphone_factory_write_qrcode_file ( LinphoneFactory factory,
const char *  file_path,
const char *  code,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  margin 

Creates a QRCode and write it into a JPEG file specified by file_path (only if build with JPEG).

factorythe LinphoneFactory
file_pathThe file where to write the QRCode JPEG image.
codeThe code to be generated into an image. It must not be empty.
widthThe requested width of the QRCode image. It will be 100 if 0.
heightThe requested height of the QRCode image. It will be 100 if 0.
marginThe requested margin of the QRCode image.
0 if successful, -2 if JPEG is not supported, -1 otherwise

◆ linphone_stream_type_to_string()

const char* linphone_stream_type_to_string ( const LinphoneStreamType  type)

Function returning a human readable value for LinphoneStreamType.

typethe LinphoneStreamType
a string representation of the LinphoneStreamType